good morning everyone. i think the gem and jim show would be fab bet the abz and elle show would beat it in the ratings though
at work on this lovely sunny saturday. gah!! mind you, haven't done an awful lot for the last couple of days so i can hardly complain.
had four bourbon biscuits yesterday, all in my syn allowance of course. never have i relished bourbon biscuits so much. thomas was laughing at me as he'd scoffed his before i'd finished one of mine
watched lots of supernatural which was fab. played some world of warcraft. did a wee bit of tidying.
tonight we are going bowling (well, i am watching) to celebrate a couple of friends getting engaged and just to meet up too, so it's going to be a long day as i think i'm going there straight from work. haven't worked out what or where i'm going to eat just yet, ha. may have to nip home for a quick jacket potato or something...
forgot to say that i had real trouble with my pelvis on thursday and yesterday. managed to get myself sitting in a position that was slightly reclined. when i went to sit up again my pelvis gave some sort of creak, lots of pain, and i couldn't move in any direction without making it hideously worse. thomas had to bodily move me because if i tried it hurt like hell. trying to get out of the bath did the same thing (reclined position) so now thomas has forbidden me from having a bath unless he's there... am thinking finishing work sooner rather than later may be better... not that i recline particularly at work, ha. but it's a sign that things are getting worse
I have to say, reading your diary and all that you're going through, I don't know why people put themselves through the pain and discomfort!!! It has never appealed to me and this has put me right off.
ha. hi everyone. hi nomad. i am unfortunate. all the people i know that have been pregnant have been a bit sick, felt great, had loads of energy. needed extra naps though. but that kind of thing. i am one of an incredible minority unfortunately. and i don't regret it one little bit
of course if you don't want the child at the end of it all then i really wouldn't recommend it ha.
just got back from my second weigh in at slimming world tonight and I LOST 3 LBS!! so chuffed so since i blamed the baby for not losing last week, and i've not changed a thing, i should give her the credit this time
Hi Abz - yes it is rather horrid for my daughter but she has managed to produce 3 lovely boys and with the help of medication and a few spells in hospital has managed to go full term x
i have had no sleep AGAIN. well, about four hours i reckon. i feel like death warmed up!! it has made my mind up re. holidays i still have to take though. if i can take them then they are gone!! i can't keep doing this. it's making me so miserable. 10 hour shifts on four hours sleep repeatedly is doing me no good at all... and i'm not exactly at my most productive so spend all my time feeling like i'm failing to do my job or like i need to be asleep. not exactly a great feeling.
well jim. if i can take all my hols then i can finish in a fortnight. which would be tues, wed, thurs this week and tuesday night, wed night and saturday next week as i have taken off the bank hols so i can visit my mum
well certainly better than today jim. i'm supposed to be writing a disaster recovery proposal though. and it has dragged and dragged as they didn't know what they wanted. and the proposal hasn't' even been started. i need to test whether the scripts will run on something that isn't the cluster. and this hasn't been done. and i can't see it getting done before i go. but it's been under my name for about six months so i need to do it before i go. waargh.