Abi's weightloss diary - post jaw surgery

Grrr I was so sure. So are we thinking she's currently popping out baby?! If so, I'm going to send some good vibes to poor Abi. Every mother says the pain is worth it so JUST YOU KEEP GOING!! And if you're not currently in labour, ignore what I just said 'til you are lol. xxx
Hellooooooooo.... x
I'm sitting here wondering if abz is a mum now.
Hiya Abz, hope all is well. I too am assuming that you are now a mummy or very close to being one xxxxxx

And where's Bon when you need her to clarify? Off galivanting in the country enjoying herself!!!!!
ha. i'm not a mummy yet. nosiree bob. just still here. still waiting. went to the midwife today and she tried to get things going for me. turns out that not only is my baby not trying to get out, my body isn't even preparing to let her out!! AAARGH!! she did what she could but couldn't give me a proper sweep (if you don't know, really, don't ask) and i'm booked in for another one on tuesday.

was prepared for it not to work. wasn't prepared for my body to be so stubborn that it couldn't even be done. want to be a mummy now :( looks like i'm going to be induced at two weeks over at this rate.

thought i'd better come on and let you all know before the weekend, ha. or you'd kill me with bon off celebrating her birthday for a few days :D ha.

my mum is driving down from scotland tomorrow. she's so bloody impatient!! she's going to stay with her sister i think. good job really because if she was being impatient here i may go mad. i was doing so well at being chilled until today (and i will get my chill factor back. i'm just having a rant, ha) and having her being all antsy will make me rage i think :D it will be fab to have her only an hour away rather than six though :)

i'm afraid i don't have any other news. am nearly half way through season six of buffy now. at least i'll probably have chance to finish watching it now... something i'm not very happy about, ha.

abz xx
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LOL, still habging in there then abz. :) It'll happen love, you'll soon have a lovely little one in your arms.
well jim. it's just so silly that you spent the first 37 weeks hoping they don't come out early and the last five weeks going mad because they won't come out at all!!
hey hun, maybe she wants to be a June baby!

Enjoy the peace and quiet while you can

She's giving you a taste of things to come & doing things her way!! x
Nicky - 25th May, 2358, 6lb 8oz - nope, sorry Nicky:eek:
Elle - 25th May, ????, 8lb 2oz - Elle's missed too:rolleyes:
Gem - 27th May, 0200, 7lb 15oz - Sorry Gem;)
Linzi - 27th May, 0241am, 8lb 6oz, little girl, cute smile :) - no first cyber cuddle for you Linzi:eek:
Bon - 29th May, 0400, 8lb 5oz - don't think so;)
Helen G - 29th May, 3.17pm, 8lb 1oz, little girl, lots of hair;) - missed too:cry:
Clarri - 31st May, 1110, 8lb 10oz dark hair

Jim - its a girl!! wise old teddy!!

Just Clarri & Jim left in the running - unless Bon has forgotten to update us:rolleyes:
Hope you are doing ok Abz :hug99:
The suspense is killing me:p
i am far too fine for my own good!! you are all wrong. doesn't look like this baby is going to be born in may at all. still getting the odd twinge but nothing that is going anywhere dabnammit!! ha.

ah well. on with the waiting. hope you all had a fab bank hols :)

abz xx
Ah, sorry to hear you are still waiting xx

Although now I can make a guess!! I think she's going to come on Thursday 3 June at 8.45am.
You sure it's a girl - sounds like a lazy boy to me;)
Hope you are doing well and aren't getting too stir crazy:p
Morning abz, LOL Helen, sound about right to me. :D