Abi's weightloss diary - post jaw surgery

Morning Abz :) aw sounds like she's very comfy in there and isn't budging!!

Hope you're ok? you must be so sore :( aw. Hope she arrives soon!

I've been constantly checking my phone guys, even when i wake up in the night!... but no news yet...

When you going to the hospital today Abz? Hope they can manage to perform the sweep today then... good luck!

I'm thinking of you lots and lots *hugs*
How you doing hun? x
hey guys. well i had a major sweep today, ha. am having lots of back pains and some very painful twinges. fingers crossed that they turn into something. hopefully tonight is the night!! of course i could do what i've done every other night which is going to bed with twinges and waking up the next morning after sleeping all night thinking 'bugger!!' ha.

i am under orders from bon to text her when i go into hospital. even if it's the middle of the night. so i will do so as long as i remember, ha. so i am sure you will be updated as to my condition as soon as i know it myself.

cross everything for me!!

abz xx
Hi Abz.... in the nicest possible way I hope we don't hear from you today. Thinking of you babes. xx
Hi Abz.... in the nicest possible way I hope we don't hear from you today. Thinking of you babes. xx

But we need Bon to get here with news;)
Yes we do, come on Bon.
Exciting news :D

Morning everyone.

Good news :D I got a message at about half 8 this morning from Abi, she is having pains every 10 minutes for over 2 hours now! woo.

So it sounds like it's happening!

Everyone think of Abi and baby today, hope it goes well and isn't too painful Abi!

You get to meet your little daughter soon :D
aww bless her, fingers crossed for you babes that everything goes smoothly

ah bless her, hope it goes well, thanks Bon. :)
well the sodding pains have sodded off. they vanished a few hours ago. sorry everyone. rang the hospital. they said it sounded like i was in labour and to wait until they were every five minutes before i rang back. i dozed off in between pains only to wake up with them gone again. so thomas came home for no reason and i'm really angry!! ha.

so hoping things start up again. getting the occasional pain but nowhere near as painful and not regularly. how can your body start to go into labour and then decide not to bother after all? going insane!!

abz xx