hey there you guys. i'm still here. still alive and kicking. just not getting any computer time, that's all
izzy is 21 weeks old today, can you believe it? and so close to rolling over. if she would just get her hand out of the way but i refuse to help. my mum keeps trying to nudge it. mum has been staying with us for a month which is why i haven't really been able to grab any pc time. she can take her hard collar off when inside now but has to wear it when outside and travelling. hopefully she'll be able to get back to life as she knows it by christmas. she's at her sister's for a bit now. i've loved having her here but this week while she's been away izzy has settled easier at night and i've managed to eat better. i guess it is more disruptive than i realised having three adults and a baby in a one and a bit bedroom back to back, ha.
so how are all of you doing?
great to hear from you bren. i'm not doing much other than be a mummy to be honest, ha.
taz!! it was fab to hear your voice. and am glad you're back online
thanks for popping by jim. how's your wee granddaughter doing? she must be zooming about by now!! go olivia!! ha.
how is life post-surgery linz?
and everyone else, it's great to hear from you. izzy is sitting on my knee right now and sucking on my arm. she went from sleeping through all the time to feeding every 1-2 hours through the night. apparently a growth spurt. but she didn't wake me last night. woo. i didn't sleep all that well, but here's hoping it's the start of something else.
oh. and i've been making loads of different fabric heart type things. one of my friends wants to do a craft stall and this is my contribution. i had to buy sewing needles and everything but they look awesome
am also dabbling with being an avon lady. but since i'm the antithesis of an avon lady i'm not sure how successful that will be

i might have to start moisturising and wearing makeup... but hey. i was really surprised when i looked in the catalogue. not at all like i thought. so who knows? ha.
i really really don't want to go back to work. after being the only person not to receive a payrise i can't afford childcare and have my salary be worth not being with izzy so hopefully we'll be able to manage just on thomas's salary.
he's a foreman in training starting from monday for three months and then hopefully he'll be a supervisor and get the salary to go with it. it won't be major but it should be more. and he's been doing the job for ages unofficially in any case so it's about time they recognised it...
oh. and my major rant is that i am owed over £1000 in tax credits and they won't give me them until the end of the year. aargh. in case i earn lots of money and they overpay me. but surely if i made lots of money i would tell them and they would change my entitlement. so i'm annoyed about that.
my dad is coming to visit this afternoon so i'd better go and tidy up. sorry i've been gone for so long. hard to show face on a dieting website when you eat anything you can get your hands on but i've been better recently, ha. izzy is wriggling and won't be safe sitting on my knee much longer so i'd better go and clean the house
loads of love.
abz xx