happy new year everybody!!
one year old jim? good grief that's gone fast!! first words? toddling about yet?
we had a great first christmas thanks

izzy of course had no idea what was going on but fought us tooth and nail for every bit of paper and couldn't decide what to play with first so many people gave her so many things!! ha.
we got to scotland to see mum so we spent christmas there. got there in all the snow. the drive took 10 hours. and then christmas morning we woke up and it had all melted overnight!! typical, hee.
hi helen

good to see you

bon is around on here too, ha. good luck. and i am so so with you!! i have to lose about 6 stones to have a healthy bmi. but one at a time

by the time izzy is walking i need to be able to dash about rather than heave myself about. so here goes!!
i weighed myself on monday and was 17st 4.6lbs, i only ever got that heavy once during pregnancy, so i need to get a grip!! have to admit this week hasn't been amazing so we'll see what happens on monday.
hope you are all feeling great at the beginning of the new year. i never really understood why a new year should mean a new diet as it just means scrapping it at the end of the old year, ha. but hey, i want to get rid of this flobbledy tummy.
abz xx