Abi's weightloss diary - post jaw surgery

ha. that i am jim. i've managed to make a cup of tea (well, had it made for me) and have slowly watched it go cold without drinking it. so no caffeine hit... gah. and it's only 2pm!!

still. i've got to grips with altering some code on nagios, so that's something new i've learned today. not that it was hard, but i've never done it before. took me right back to uni coding in vim :D
I read that Bon,

Oooh abz, you use nagios? I haven't used that in a few years. :D
we do indeed jim :) but i've never administrated it but i will have to now that there's only two of us. which is fine by me. i'm far more comfortable messing about with something like that than pulling cables out of servers to see what happens :) ha.
Nagios used to be the industry standard support software, I don't know if it still is though abz.

I'm packing up now, night night love.
Hey Abz, hope your doing well!

Hey Jim!

good morning everyone. did everyone have a nice evening? i was playing a pc game based on agatha christie's poirot and it is fairly good. will be at that again tonight i think :)

we were supposed to be going to visit my mum this weekend but it looks like we're not now as she's poorly :( so it's been postponed for a couple of weeks. she may come down here instead, but either way. it will be lovely to see her :)

abz xx
Morning abz, it's grey and gloomy here.
Morning Bon, how are you today love. :)
thanks bon :)

well i slept really well last night. and as a result i'm absolutely shattered... bloody sod's law isn't it? gah!!

abz xx
Morning Jim :) I am good thanks, happy that it's Friday! I get to finish work early on Friday's :D What you up to this weekend Jim?

Oh dear Abz, well at least it's nearly the weekend and you can sleep for 2 days :D
We finish a 4 today Bon, and it's pay day so we are in jeans and stuff.

I have nothing planned for the weekend I'm pleased to say, socially it's been very hectic this month as you know. I'm out for a pint tonight, but I'm hoping to just spend the rest of the weekend chilling out love. You?
bon is being a party girl this weekend :) it's me that's going to sit at home alone on her computer *sigh*... well, only by choice :D

abz xx
Hee yes, we're having a bit of a busy weekend this one Jim, I'm carving a pumpkin and making spicey apple punch for people coming over tomorrow, and then we're going into town late in the evening for a dance.

Sunday we're going to some art thing our friends doing, not sure what that is yet :S hope we're not too hungover for it!

Aw Abz, you'll have a lovely weekend :) I love relaxing weekends :D
Hee, yeah just this one weekend though, I will need a few to recover after this one i think!

Well I am done here soon, so I shall say goodbye. Have a nice weekend Abz and Jim :)