Abi's weightloss diary - post jaw surgery

good morning chaps. well here i am, bright and early as usual. got into the office at 7, but as of today i don't start work until 8. usually when this happens i check emails etc anyways, but i've decided not to. as i always end up starting work. and working for 11 hours a day is not something i fancy doing really. so i haven't turned the monitoring screens on, i haven't opened my emails. i'm sitting and having brekkie and a coffee (decaff :D) and having a pootle through here :)

did you all have a good weekend? i had the pleasure of going to the white rose centre and being shocked at the christmas music playing everywhere *sigh*.

abz xx
Morning abz, same here in town this weekend, Christmas, dear god it's only November.
it just means that it's all spoilt by the time christmas comes around. you end up feeling christmassy in mid-november rather than when you should :(
I get all grumpy over Christmas anyway abz, it's all so commercial now.
i still love it jim but i tend to love our family christmas rather than the manic shopping bit :)

am thinking of doing quite a bit of baking this year. mince pies etc. i don't think i've ever made them. certainly not for years and certainly not without my grandma or my mum doing it really... ha. so i think i'll make a few for the danes, and maybe dress up some chocolate truffles :)

abz xx
I loved Christmas when the kids were small abz, totally loved watching them open their presents and stuff, it's not the same now they are grown up. Time for grand kids I think ;)
Well my son Jamie and his wife Carol are expecting just after Christmas abz. :D
ooh jim. that will be lovely for you :) i thought i remembered you mentioning grandkids so was surprised when you said you hadn't any. i understand now :)

abz xx
I'm quite looking forward to it abz. :)
and we'll be able to hand it back abz. LOL
Abz - early days yet but it's fun trying I reckon x
Abz didn't know that you were trying, thats awesome!

Hello Bren, where have you been love.

Morning abz. :)
hi everyone :)

well i'm working the evening shift tonight. so 1-11pm... gah. and i have to be up really early in the morning to get to an appointment with a back specialist bloody miles away. they keep sending me to places i can't get to, even though they know i don't have transport. so i'm rather pissed off about that... grrr. so hopefully i'll be able to work out how to get there... then get to work for 1pm to work until 11 again :(

abz xx
That's just great isn't it abz, typical.
oh jim i'm so tired. i woke up at 3 this morning needing the loo and couldn't get back to sleep again really until about 6.30 after thomas had left :( wargh.

abz xx
Wah indeed abz, last thing you need :(