Yes, ladyfelsham suggested that too (stockcubes etc), will try both these suggestions as can't bear another horrible night...thanks folks x
flymypretty said:Day 7
Bear and I weren't together today, so this is just my food for today:
Breakfast: a few rashers of bacon (didn't feel like anything else)
Lunch: Cheese and sour cream omelette
Dinner: Chicken, bacon and avocado salad with dill and lemon mayo
Water: At least 4 ltrs
Exercise: 2 mile walk
Alcohol: none
Went out for dinner with the girls tonight and chose a salad but it came with an 'illegal' dressing, so asked them to swap that with some nice mayo from a different salad.
Was a nice evening, though missed a glass of wine (or 4, lol!)arty0036:
Determined not to drink for at least the first 4 weeks however :innocent0002:.
Slept well last night, with no falling dreams or kicky legs, so feeling a lot better today- more energised and no more headaches. Walked home this evening, so managed to get a 2 mile walk in too!![]()
Bear Henry said:Thanks Jim, Thanks everyone!
Looking at your results you've achieved incredible things, very impressed and inspired.
I, in honesty, have been an idiot. I've always been a big guy, always been fat, never really done anything about it. My mother died through Diabetes, and I was diagnosed with it about four years later. I kinda lived in denial about it, took the typical man approach - I don't feel ill, so I can't be ill. More fool me. I was sick of struggling to find cheap fashionable clothes, spending thirty pounds plus for 'plus sized jeans' and T shirts. I lived a vicious circle, I was depressed about my size and so I ate to comfort myself. I lived a very poor diet life, sweets, crisps, cakes, 'convenience foods', treats and takeaways. I took the approach of "you're hungry - it's food - eat up" I never ate breakfast then snacked on rubbish. Again - more fool me.
And then in essence I sobered up after a talk with Aimee. I realised I was destroying myself and our future - I was an addict - to carbs and sugars. And it had to change. Aimee suggested Atkins as she was going on it, and had success with it in the past. I decided I should give it a go. And you know what? I'm glad I did. I decided not to weigh myself, I already knew I was probably close to 322lbs or 23 stone. I decided not to weigh myself because I didn't want to become obsessed with it. I figured I'd see results in time.
I have started to take more care about what I eat - and have been frankly horrified at the amount of sugars added into foods - even 'healthy' ones.
I have been on the diet for seven days now, and am very pleased to say I have ZERO cravings for sugar or junk. I was at a friends Saturday night, where they were having sweets, cakes, crisps, chocolate fingers - all stuff I would have at one time killed for - and I wasn't interested in having any. I can only assume this diet is working well for me, as does the support of my diet buddy, and amazing lady, Aimee. Now I have you guys for support too - thanks so much everyone. I can only hope to make myself, Aimee and you guys and girls proud.
So the diet continues.... and good health awaits, for us all!
Bring. It. On!