Aimee and Bear's Atkins Diary

Hi Aimee,

I've my weight loss has slowed a bit after the first two weeks but I'm still losing inches.

I'm doing the same as you and measuring every week.

I'm sure you'll be into the next size down in the next few weeks x
Thanks confused. Must admit I'm confused myself! Confused ny how I can feel lighter and a tad less podgy AND have my clothes feeling looser and yet no change on the scales. I'm trying to not get hung up about it, but must admit it's disappointing :(
Will measure myself again in a few days and hopefully at least see some inch loss :sigh:
I can only think it's my hormones getting messed up or something? Perhaps I need to do this 'clean and green' thing I keep seeing mentioned on here?? What does that mean exactly? :confused:
Morning Aimee,

Clean & green means no S/F or L/C frankenfoods. Just plain unprocessed meat, fish and eggs with lot's of lovely green leaf veggies.
Hi Jim,
Thanks for the explanation. Think I'm going to have to start eating that way for a while as I don't feel like this diet/WOE is working for me this time around the way I'm doing it and I really don't know why :(
This is going to mean no cheese however, which for me is going to be VERY hard, lol!
I have been having the max dairy I'm allowed pretty much every day as I love it so much and even crave it. I've also been having legal sweeteners on some days in the form of flavoured waters etc. Also franfurter style sausages... so I'm thinking I must need to go total cold turkey from all these things. It's gonna be hard but I think it has to be done... back to the drawing board then.
I would try one more week as you are... Have just read your diaries ( you both seem lovely) and your menus look great. Maybe cut back a little: half your cheese allowance (to 2oz) and your cream (to 1tbsp). If you're using splenda sweetners and water with malic acid that shouldn't be upsetting you, but do cut out anything with polyols.

The hormones could easily be your problem and being super restrictive with the things that make the diet easier for you may not be necessary. Cut back a bit but don't cut out completely.

Do drink more water and have plenty of fats.

Don't lose heart. Let your hormones sort themselves out and see what happens.

Good luck!
You may be one of those who cheese stalls Aimee, I was.
Hi Greendress,
Thank you so much for your advice. Yes I really think my hormones are playing a major part in all of this - started the diet at exactly the wrong time of the month it would seem. One thing we're both very puritan about is sweeteners, only going for sucralose or saccharin at a push...definitely no aspartame.
Think what I'll do is try the 'clean and green' approach for a week (though it may have to start on Sunday as we're going out to dinner on Saturday with friends and will probably have to be a bit less fussy for obvious reasons) and then re-introduce dairy but as you suggested in half portions and see what happens. Also only have 'legal' sweeteners as an occasional treat from now on.
And yes Jim, this is what I'm wondering re cheese, although last time around on Atkins I was fine with it!
Oh well.... onwards and upwards :)
Thanks SO much for your support and advice guys xx
Morning folks:) Clean and green usually kickstarts - but agree hormones often all over the place. Stick with it - it does work!
No problems love
Hi Everyone - and apologies for absence - we've just been tied up with other stuff, but we are still going strong. As an update for me, well, over 4 stone now lost ( I have managed to stay on induction till now - knew Jim had done the same) and will be looking to go onto owl soon! I have dropped minimum eight inches off of my waist band, and feel great for it, but am all too aware there is more to go.

On the Chocoholic side, I have not had ANY since inception of the diet in july, and am really happy about that - as was my doctor! On that note my chloresterol (?) level was also checked and a rather pleasing four. All in all, I am doing great, although slightly anemic - we're working on that though.

Hope you're all well, and will keep you in the loop!

Well done Bear! You must be so chuffed! :)
Hey, well done mate, it's good to hear you are doing well. Yes i stayed on for 6 months in all.
Hi Everyone, Thanks so much for the coments! very pleased to announce I did the 'official' weigh in yesterday (I do them every two weeks) and have lost a further 6lbs BMI has dropped, I'm really pleased!

Hope everyone is well and doing ok!

Good for you Andy, well done, how's Aimee doing?