AJ's LL Management Journey!


I don't know when to have the snack though. Perhaps at lunchtime with my hot chocolate pack? Decisions,decisions...

I had mine as a 'lunch' cos i got so fed up of people commenting on me having hot chocolate for lunch!

You're doing v well!
Dom, I have been driving home for lunch, to avoid questions. I am lucky that I only live 15 mins drive away. I have half an hour of peace on the recliner with a hot chocolate!

I think that having the snack during this time would be the best solution though. Otherwise I would be having to eat too much at night.

Thanks for your quick reply!
this thread gives me hope for the future...

This is fabulous. Really encouraged to see that you are still losing weight. (Even though I'm veggy) Your food sounds really good and it's especially encouraging to see that you are really coping with eating - one of my biggest fears!! You're doing so well it's amazing! :)
Hia Gaijingirl!

I see that you've lost a huge FIVE STONE!
Congratulations - you're very nearly at your target. Management is in sight!

I have been thinking about why I still don't have much appetite and are only now beginning to feel a bit hungry.

I've been doing the development programme for 22 weeks or so, without eating, so perhaps it is no surprise that I am finding it difficult to eat much! That will change eventually but it is nice that I have got a bit of a breathing space to get used to eating again!

I have been missing Tabby again, and have been 'donating' my unwanted salmon to next door's cat Penny. I can just imagine how Tab would have enjoyed tucking in to a fresh, grilled salmon!
Hi AmandaJayne,
Thanks for the great tip re the watercress,spinach and rocket salad from Tesco. It was so yummy and full of flavour. It was a bit pricey but worth every penny considereng it will do about three meals. I am looking forward to week2 when I can make the sugar free jelly and diet drinks.
Maybe it could be that your hunger has been at bay as you were on ssing for 22 weeks?? I think that my hunger has returned as most of it is emotional hunger. When my LLC said that the battle begins in this stage I didn't believe her at all BUT now I know exactly what she means. Good luck AJ and I look forward to reading your thread!
Thanks for all the advice.
It's nearing the end of the 7th day and I wasn't able to have my first snack because I never had anything suitable in the fridge!

However, I popped into Tesco and stocked up on Total O% fat greek yoghurt, peppers, cucumber, spinach, watercress, spring onion etc.

I used my recipe book and made the raita. I added a bit of salt and pepper to taste and asked my son to try it. He loved it! So did I!

I will have some tomorrow with sliced peppers for my lunch snack, together with a hot chocolate.

Tonight I had the rest of the salmon left over from last night, with mixed salad. I added a bit of chopped raw broccoli, a bit of chopped red pepper, a chopped spring onion, all mixed with a dessertspoon of TotalO and salt and pepper. Lovely.

I finished it all off too.

I was thinking about water today. Even though I can drink coffee and tea with milk, I have decided not to. I am so used to drinking water with occasional black coffees that I want to continue. It is definitely beneficial to me. I also know that drinking the water enables the fat to be more easily flushed out of the system. I'm all for that!

Hope y'all had a nice day!
Eighth day.

I had my first snack at lunchtime. Sliced orange pepper, piece of cucumber, the raita I made last night (half of it) and my hot chocolate. I reclined on my recliner (get one - they're amazing) and ate while watching Judge Judy and surfing the internet. Well, for half an hour, anyway, before rushing back to work!

I only started coming home for lunch when I started LL. I didn't want to talk about what I was doing at first to people in the staff room (they're a nosy lot). I really enjoy being at home, even though it's for half an hour, it's half an hour of peace!

Tea time was a piece of grilled tuna steak ( a small one), the rest of the mixed salad, and the rest of the raita on the side, with the usual ginger/balsamic dressing. I finished if off because I had deliberately had a small piece of tuna.

I don't think I've mentioned that one of the things we have to do in our 'journal' is write down three achievements a day. Sometimes I have found it a struggle to think of three. Today though I felt a great sense of achievement. I do a Problem Solving Club at school on Thursday and it started back today. A large number of P4's and 5's came along and had a thoroughly good time. There is nothing better than seeing kids enjoy themselves and learn at the same time - I always hide the learning aspect in the middle of the fun!

I have to admit, I am good at inspiring the kids. I have to admit too, I'm an ok person. I have slowly begun to realise this, that despite my best efforts I am no longer able to believe my old core beliefs any more. I am ok. Really. I AM worth it.:)
I had intended first thing on Friday morning to do my 10 mins LTT. But seemed to have a reluctance to do it and procrastinated, finding other things to do until it was too late anyway.
Hmm, have to address this one.

Due to my friends other committments I couldn't go to the pub at lunchtime today, so came home and had a 'snack - pretty much the same as yesterdays. Teatime was tuna steak grilled, with spinach and watercress and raita. I absolutely adored the spinach! I have only ever had it cooked (yuk), but RAW it is fantastic - crisp and tasty. I didn't finish the raita.

Later in the evening I finished the raita with a bit more spinach. It is the first time I have digressed from the programme.

Saturday morning.

Got up earlier today and did my 10 mins on LTT. Had a think about my reluctance but couldn't get to the bottom of it really. Told myself to get on board and start stepping. Once I began, it was fine.

One of the reasons I bought this machine was precisely because it is so easy to do. I don't need to dress in special clothes (just trainees), or drive somewhere, or do it at a certain time or place. I know that incorporating exercise is one of the keys to success but also one of the barriers to success if I stop doing it.

My LTT sits in my lounge so I can do it and watch TV at the same time. Why then do I make excuses not to do it? I bet I'm not alone having this problem! I have committed to doing it just three times a week. If I do it any more than that, well and good.

This afternoon I am walking to town to visit the library. I'll probably walk back too, weather permitting.

Tonight I am doing one of the recipes from the book. Salmon and Lime.

Yesterday, when I was on the site, I found out what the rep points were and how to give them! I had always wondered ...

Watch out folks, rep points coming your way .....

Just a quick update - had to share this!

I've just dropped my daughter and her friends at their extra ballet lesson in South Queensferry. After which I popped across the road to the charity shop to see if they had any fleeces. I need an informal, warm coat to go with my combats! My jackets and macs just don't go! I had had to wear a size 20 jacket - it looked awful.

Anyway they had a grey on in size 12. "Oh well" I thought, "I'll try it on and if it's tight it doesn't matter I just slim into it". IT FITTED PERFECTLY. So I'm happy, the charity (for local special needs support) is happy. Everybody's happy!

Do you know what this means? I. am. a. size. 12!!!!

I will have to repeat it to myself 100 times before I can believe it.

There's a great little cafe here with internet access. So I came right in, bypassed the delicious cakes and pastries, ordered a black coffee and large water, and here I am, sitting down typing away!

Fantastic AmandaJayne!!! What an amazing feeling!!!

I've now had to start convincing myself that on top I am now a size 12... and I had to go shopping for jeans yesterday, and EVERY 14 fits (stretchy, normal, skinny, bootleg - every one)... and I'm absolutely thrilled. I can't wait to be an all over size 12 (more like 12 bottom and 10 top I reckon)... I think I'll be pinching myself for days.

Your journal really is very, very helpful - you seem to be so on top of it all and I'm really really pleased for you!
WOw AJ - fantastic :D :D :D :D :D :D

I long to be a size 12 again :sigh: :sigh: :sigh:

I love your thread, please keep on posting, it is a huge source of inspiration for me as you have come so far I can't wait for the next one.

I bet you feel great don't you, you have been on such a journey.

Thanks for the updates, keep em coming.

Congratulations AJ!!! Size 12:eek:

Love to be wearing a size 12!!!

Your an inspiration not only to your kids at school but to us here as well and your journal is very informative...was thinking of becoming a cat:rolleyes:

Love Mini xxx
congratulations AJ - that's fab news. I think that trying on smaller sizes in shops is one of the biggest things I'm looking forward to!

you're an inspiration
forgot to say - thanks Mini - really appreciate your help (& others) with ticker factory - what a bril resource:D
Thank you all so much for your replies - they're lovely.

I am sitting at home typing away still wearing my new fleece! (Size 12 in case you've forgotton).

I didn't have the salmon with lime because I bought some smoked mackeral from the reduced counter at the supermarket this afternoon. It was almost as tasty as my dad's! (He's a fisherman and smokes his own fish).

I did walk to town but ended up getting the bus back because I had a lot of shopping to carry. I'd popped in to the library and two books I had ordered had arrived - they were heavy. Then I found book 2 of the Eragon trilogy (you know, the film that was on the cinema recently). I'd just finished the first book so was searching for the second. Well it's huge! Then Tesco had loads of bargains too! I bought everything!

I was looking for a bra in size 36E. I'd always had difficulty getting one in 42F so was hoping that there would be no problem now. WRONG. Every size but mine. The same happened last Saturday when I was in BHS. Every size but mine. I am getting paranoid!
well done A.J a 12
keep it up ,
im loving your diary a total inspiration , it makes management seem less daunting .
what was your bmi when you started ??? im not sure what to do im 2 weeks till the end of foundation and im not sure when to change to management , i set a goal of 10 stone but im feeling it will be too thin if i then loose more on management , i also want to start training for the great north run and raise money for our local scbu as they saved my little girls life , and now i feel i can pay them back just a littlenow that i can move faster than the average garden snail :D
Hia Sukie,

I was just under 41 BMI - just now 25.9.

My body fat was 49% - just now 31%.

I do sympathise Sukie, it is a dilemma knowing when to switch. I did a few extra weeks of Development before switching to Management. My counsellor was happy for me to switch even though at the time my BMI was 26 point something. I think you're right to be concerned about the 10 stone figure.

You really want to be fitter and healthy first surely. Being a size 10 (which you probably would be at 10 stone) is not then a priority, it's just window dressing. That's my reasoning anyway. Listen to your body rather then external pressures (medias interpretation of 'acceptable' sizes etc).

If you are going to be training for the Great North Run (good luck by the way), you will be using up loads of extra calories too.

Let me know how you get on ...
Fuzzy, thanks for your lovely comments. Have you thought about doing your own management diary thread. The more people who do, the better. Of course, I can get some ideas from you too! I need all the help I can get!
An update for Sunday.

Slept in! Had a late pack and first litre of water. Went to a local country park for a walk and took a red pepper with me for a snack.

Came home and had another pack and more water. I am flavouring it with lemon juice rather than using the LL water flavouring. I read somewhere that vinegar or lemon juice counteracts the effects of eating carbs anyway. Can someone confirm this?

I had the rest of the smoked mackeral together with raw spinach and peppers, spring onions, cucumber, and mint mixed with Total 0% fat greek yoghurt (still having a love affair with that stuff!), and balsamic/ginger dressing. More water.

My family had a chinese take-away banquet, including lemon chicken (used to be my favourite). Wasn't bothered.

Although I am a size 12 now (I can see it now), my skin is awful and no amount of toning is going to change that. I suppose surgery is the only option ... or a 24-hour support body-stocking!

I will need to purchase a new swimming costume that minimises the saggy, flabby bits, for my holiday. A bikini won't do.

A hot bubble bath beckons ...

I am looking forward to Wednesday, the start of week 3, when I can at last introduce fruit again. Home made smoothies and juices here I come!!!!!!!