Alcohol Problem?

Absolutely fantastic, you are amazing and (as I said previously) totally inspiring. Wishing you many, many more years of continued success :) :) x
You've done so well, I will be honest, wine has been one of the biggest inhibitors to my weight loss in the last 18 months or so. I am planning on doing the dryathlon for January, ideally I would like to pack it in altogether. Wishing you all the best for 2016, be good to see this thread revived as a support for others who are also trying to curb the alcohol x
You've done so well, I will be honest, wine has been one of the biggest inhibitors to my weight loss in the last 18 months or so. I am planning on doing the dryathlon for January, ideally I would like to pack it in altogether. Wishing you all the best for 2016, be good to see this thread revived as a support for others who are also trying to curb the alcohol x

I'm exactly in the same boat for as long as I can remember. Justifying the wine consumption as I wouldn't reach for anything sweet as a treat (wine was my treat!) Unfortunately when I did stop occassionally for a few weeks, it didn't impact my weight loss, so I just reverted to my wine again.
However, at the beginning of February, I decided to take a break from all alcohol, telling myself and everyone else that it was just temporary - but I really want it to be long term. So good to see a thread like this here.
Thank you so much to everyone who has posted here!! :)
Hi Moideux and Catherine,

How's it going?

I've recently started going to SW group again. It's amazing how easy it seems to be on a day to day basis now that all my syns aren't tied up with my old alcohol allowance. Lol. Obviously, meals out still present a challenge, but that's just the exception, not the rule. Just one example of how much more manageable my life is without alcohol.

I know this thread was started a while ago, but I have just read through it all and can relate so much. I've always had a problem with drugs and alcohol, would get clean for a while, then fall back. I've been clean of drugs for 4 years this September. Sadly, I replaced my drug addiction with even more alcohol and crap food. I only started sw 3 weeks ago and after a shaky first week going well over on syns thanks to alcohol I decided I would have to cut it out altogether, because just one ALWAYS leads to another and another and another.........i would drink at least 4 out of 7 nights, often more like 6 or 7 nights (usually only not drinking if we were skint and as soon as one of us got paid we'd be back on it) my partner has cut down with me not drinking, but I know cutting down is not an option for me - I drink to get drunk, so abstaining is the only way for me.

Anyway, if you read this I just wanted to congratulate you on your sobriety and I hope my willpower (I do have some, I've quit drugs and smoking!) lasts x
Wow this is an inspiring post, the booze is definitely my downfall, did Dry January absolutely fine but got straight back on it 1st February, old habits and all that.

Have re-started Slimming World and really want to lose some weight for my upcoming holiday in September but the weeks keep creeping past, will keep reading this site and look for more inspiration, need a blo0dy good kick up the backside! xx
I finally made the break from alcohol in January this year (2017) - I read a very interesting book called "How to Kick Alcohol Easily...." and it has been a tremendous help in recognising that I have an alcohol addiction.
7 weeks on and I am really struggling with cravings for all things chocolate and especially chocolate icecream!!! Obviously this is seriously interferring my my SW regime!!!!!
Is there anyone here who has experienced this and how are you dealing with it. Thanks so much in advance :(