Thank you everyone
7 months today!! It's been a whirlwind the last 6 or so weeks since we made the decision, picked the date, and it's all gone from there.
We have the church, reception, dress, photographer all sorted, so I think that's all the biggies for now and the rest are much smaller things to worry about (or I hope) We're getting there with things like invites and so on - cars etc, but they can wait a while too.
My assignment has been marked and was a little lower than last years marks, but I have gone up a level so I guess in a way was to be expected, but is still hard to take in some ways.
I am finding this toning thing hard to do right now. I know time is not on my side, so I have to, have to get to it, but even with the biggest motivation in the world, I feel like I have so much on. I don't want to regret my photo's or my day, so I have got to make some time, to be getting on with it.
My counselling for my traumatic birth began yesterday too - that bought out a lot of emotions, and thoughts of failure and so on - I think this could dig a lot deeper than just the labour, but whatever it takes to get me 'right' I guess !?
Apart from that, I think I'm doing ok. My food is what I would call average. I'm not pinching, I'm not really picking, I'm not dieting, it's just food. It's not playing a huge role in my life, and I'm not thinking about it so much. It's actually something that I feel 'relaxed' about right now, which I think is a good thing in a way. I keep thinking ohh I need to get in the dress, therefore I neeed to diet and lose weight, but a big part of me feels almost 'settled'? Does that make any sense? December was hard, January, those first 2 weeks were hard, and then things began to settle, and since then I feel at peace. I am fluctuating around 10 3 - 10 6 on a bad day, or TOTM, admittedly 10.1 is a healthy BMI for me and that has always been important, and I still want to get below that mark, and I still want to get to 9, 7 for the wedding, but I think I would rather do it through exercise than through cuttin back on food, as I think that could have disastrous consequences for me.
I, for once, with food, feel,...OK. It's not...controlling me. I am controlling and managing it, and really until today, I haven't really thought about it like that.
I'm not cured by any means, I know I have a lifetime to go, but around food, I feel the best I have for a long long time.
I just have to crack a bit more of the exercise thing. xx