Thank you so much

I do feel more positive lately - even though I've not been an angel this week, I haven't felt as close to self-sabbotage as I did...fingers crossed that I'm through the worst of it.
So yesterday was good until the evening, I had my usual breakfast, followed by ravioli on toast for lunch (with a little butter - naughty, I know), and then two Thorntons chocolates that a friend bought for me
And then I went out for my meal...I had the breaded mushrooms and garlic dip for starters, and the steak for the main (it really was gorgeous). No desert, but I did drink copious amounts of wine, chamagne, vodka and lager.
Needless to say, I'm slightly fragile today, but not too bad, and we did have a lovely night. I also had a little visit from the Tango man this morning, but nothing major. I'm guessing it was the butter/chocolates, or maybe the tablet was still in my system when I ate in the evening (unusual for me, because I normally get away with it)
I really have no idea what the scales are going to say this week because I still haven't had a naughty scale hop! The weird thing is that I haven't really wanted to either (and this is coming from the person who weighs at least twice a day usually!)
Feel soooo hungry today, but I always am when I'm a bit hungover. Fighting it with comfort food (healthy) and lots of tea!
Bye for now xx