Today's been OK on the food front, but I've felt really dodgy - got really bad trapped wind/indegestion from that carvery and I've been knackered all day after waking up at 4.30am and not being able to get back to sleep

I even left work early because of the pains in my stomach. Well, that sounds a bit more dramatic than it actually was - I decided to use some time owing because my stomach hurts and I wanted to come home and lay out on the sofa!
Here's yesterday's food diary:
2 Danish crispbread with Philadelphia light
SW 'quiche' made with cottage cheese, eggs, bacon, leeks and mushrooms
Side salad & left-over rice from the night before
MASSIVE carvery dinner - pork, crackling, carrots, leeks in cheese sauce, yorkshire pud, about 10 roasties, swede, a few chips, and gravy!
I know that most of the veg was OK but I really went to town on the roasties, and I shouldn't have had crackling! Never mind....hopefully I can undo the damage by Wednesday!