Alex's JUDDDDing Ways

Paulinegin said:
LOL! Reminds me of some Mika lyrics ... 'Diet Coke and a pizza please!' ;)

P x

Absolutely - diet coke or in this case skinny latte cancels out calories in whatever you eat with it lol!!! :-D
Morning hun how you this morning??? I darnt stand on the scales they might blow up xxx
So had a really crappy day emotionally today and I feel exhausted, upset, angry etc - bloody ex husbands!! If I ever decide to get married again please stage an intervention girls lol!!

But it was also my boys 11th birthday party today :-D I took him and 3 friends to the waterpark in Stoke, which they loved and then to Frankie and Bennys for dinner - great choices even for a DD on there lighter menu :) So despite all of the upset I have had a lot to be happy and thankful for too :-D My son is amazing, caring, clever and funny and he adores me :-D

I have a great day food wise despite all of the above which is a major triumph for me as I'm usually an emotional eater... So maybe JUDDDD is allowing me to deal with my emotions better as I can think if I still feel like this tomorrow I can eat! And usually by tomorrow I don't want it :)
Men are poo. You are fabulous. End of. Xx
UD yay!!!!

So crunchy nut cornflakes and milk :)

Lunch - French bread snd salmon pate (sooo nice!)

Dinner - shredded duck pancakes with hou sin sauce :-D

Plus a couple of vodkas - yay!!!! Xx
UD yay!!!!

So crunchy nut cornflakes and milk :)

Lunch - French bread snd salmon pate (sooo nice!)

Dinner - shredded duck pancakes with hou sin sauce :-D

Plus a couple of vodkas - yay!!!! Xx

Oh my .... that is sounding GOOD, Alex! :D

P x
hannata said:
yay chocolate, damn it being a DD...

sorry that your having it tough with the ex! I agree with the men are poo sentiment! xx

After my ex and Mr Weirdo this week I may never go out with a man ever again... They are poo!
hannata said:
aww did your 2nd date not work out in the end or was that the first one?

No second date went fine and then on third date he told me all about his fetishes in the bedroom do I quickly left :-( lol! Xx
yoga84 said:
UD yay!!!!

So crunchy nut cornflakes and milk :)

Lunch - French bread snd salmon pate (sooo nice!)

Dinner - shredded duck pancakes with hou sin sauce :-D

Plus a couple of vodkas - yay!!!! Xx

Mmmm need to add a (large) bag of Haribo and a slice of pizza onto the above! Now up to 2400 calories - whoops! ;-)