All by myself and dragging the husband along!

Was just thinking about you and thought I'd come and see how you were getting on! Hope you're well xxxxxx
Food looking good Emma, I'm going to be giving your zoats a try today. Enjoy Poland, even though it is work X
How did you find them? I think they are really filling and I'm not getting hungry well after lunch time
Was just thinking about you and thought I'd come and see how you were getting on! Hope you're well xxxxxx
Hiya, came back from Poland and been way off plan. I'm not sure how I managed to stay on plan there last time. Oh well.

How's things with you?
I've been off plan. In the meeting they rolled out the biscuits and I convinced myself since I wasn't having caffeine I needed sugar. And I took many many many biscuits.
Weighed in on my return home and was 92kg but today on official weigh in 89.7kg which is in the sts zone. My god I could have lost a stone of I'd stayed on plan. Argh.

So had my first scan. I have 6 follicles ranging from 14mm to 9mm. I'm sure these weigh at least two stone right? ;-) for one ovary this isn't bad. They were expecting a maximum of 9 to turn up and a few more little ones night be on the way that they could see. We are supposed to be looking for quality over quantity at this point but having more eggs too start with helps. Next scan Monday. Collection is looking like weds or Friday depending on how many follicles get past 18mm. They can over mature so its a bit of a timing issue by the ivf team.
On a side note I think the drugs are giving me brain fog. I went to do the washing and put the liquid thing on the top of the machine rather than in it! Mood swings galore with OH being so good and taking the brunt.
No more work trips planned till end of March and I'm going to stay home and try to minimise contact with work people since I can't seem to control my outbursts.

You all are sticking to plan and I kind of want to join in to support and join in. But the hormones just want cake lol
How did you find them? I think they are really filling and I'm not getting hungry well after lunch time

I was a bit hmmm about eating it but you were true in saying you can't taste the courgette and I liked it! Also made them with grated carrot and liked that too. Agree with them being filling, wasn't hungry until way past my normal lunch time ( usually starving!) x
I was a bit hmmm about eating it but you were true in saying you can't taste the courgette and I liked it! Also made them with grated carrot and liked that too. Agree with them being filling, wasn't hungry until way past my normal lunch time ( usually starving!) x

I put cinnamon a bit of ginger and vanilla essence in zoats. What did you try with the carrot one? I tried it in the courgette crisis of Jan 2017 but maybe screwed up the spices as it wasn't very good
What did you try with the carrot one? I tried it in the courgette crisis of Jan 2017 but maybe screwed up the spices as it wasn't very good

I've looked back through my diary & only got coconut & cherries listed ( been on elimination) the recipe says nutmeg & cinnamon. X
So I've been eating way off plan but am sticking around the 89kg mark.
I'm now having a litre of full fat milk a day :-( I don't even like it.
Had a scan and was a little disappointed that my follicles had split with three front runners at 17 14 11 11 9 9. Had my final scan today and again the front runners are there at 20 17 14 13 11 11 but two more made their debut at 9 and 9mm.

My last two injections are tonight and then egg collection is Friday. Again I'm on the mental diet for two weeks. Nothing too cold blah blah blah. Asda having 50p pineapple is good as I'm eating one a day!

Trying to stay positive. I'm going to get 6 eggs at least on collection. The other two may come along too.

How everyone is doing well x
Ok so bit of a rollercoaster few days. I had my collection on Friday and was hoping they'd get 6 from me. They got 5 but only 3 were mature. I've got to stop saying but only with that sentence. Can't think of another way to say it.
So just got the call today, all three fertilised! My three musketeers, rod Jane and Freddy, bungle George and zippy, the three amigos are back in the incubator.
(If anyone can think of anymore trios feel free to reply lol)
So happy happy happy. So now we wait till Monday morning to see how they've got on dividing and whether they go back in on Monday or they are all doing so well that we wait till Wednesday.
Diet out of the window. I'm on progesterone for 18days so will be back on plan shortly as I get weight gain without even trying on hormones. I'm still around STS target for these weeks.
Ok so bit of a rollercoaster few days. I had my collection on Friday and was hoping they'd get 6 from me. They got 5 but only 3 were mature. I've got to stop saying but only with that sentence. Can't think of another way to say it.
So just got the call today, all three fertilised! My three musketeers, rod Jane and Freddy, bungle George and zippy, the three amigos are back in the incubator.
(If anyone can think of anymore trios feel free to reply lol)
So happy happy happy. So now we wait till Monday morning to see how they've got on dividing and whether they go back in on Monday or they are all doing so well that we wait till Wednesday.
Diet out of the window. I'm on progesterone for 18days so will be back on plan shortly as I get weight gain without even trying on hormones. I'm still around STS target for these weeks.

Ooo Emma, very exciting times, so happy for you. Sending you big twirl around the room hugs. And I've also got another trio for you Linny, Tuck & Ming Ming from the kids programme The Wonder Pets ( many a day was spent singing the theme song over & over & over with my granddaughter, I love it!) X
So exciting Emma, wish you all the best for the coming days and weeks!
So exciting Emma, wish you all the best for the coming days and weeks!
The pcos ladies got me worried. One had 29 eggs collected and20 have fertilised. She is an egg machine. Makes my three look a. bit bad. Quality not quantity :)
Hope your pregnancy is going well x
My three musketeers fought on go the distance to day 5 transfer (the latest they will transfer). So tomorrow is the big day. In Order to try and preoccupy my mind and also that I've put on a couple of kg it's time to dinner back to the fold. I think I weighed 91.4kg

So today been on plan
Zoats and fruit for breakfast
Semi skimmed milk for my coffee

Lunch was taco bean thing with lots of salsa and some refried beans.

Had a club biscuit and a cuppa 6syns

Just had dinner at two reduces fat Asda sausages, I think half a syn each so 1.5. Carrot and Swede and green beans.

Not to bad for first day back on it. My fridge is full of withered veg that I've been avoiding. Time to get eating it again.

Probably have a cuppa tea tonight and a mango and bit of pineapple before they go too ripe.
50p pineapple at Asda at the moment and supposed to be good to get embryos to implant.
Today was transfer day. Id like to introduce you to zippy who is settling into their new home for 9 months. Zippy is a fighter and a top quality embryo at 5ab. Zippy was the lead in the race, George was of slightly less quality and was frozen for another day and bungle is a bit small so he gets another day to progress and hopefully will make the freezer to keep George company.

So breakfast was on plan then OH wanted to go out to celebrate the transfer so a naughty pub lunch and then a slice of cake at lunchtime (zippy wanted it)

Weirdly I weighed in at 89.1kg this morning but it's possibly the pessaries that are not helping my stomach.


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Ah wow Emma:)Brilliant that you posted a photo of Zippy, as laura said amazing to see XXX
Stick and then grow ;-)
I managed to stay on plan this evening with leftover taco thing and salsa. My goodness I need to get some more go to recipes. Half of my kitchen roof is off with the build going ahead and dust everywhere making it not very easy to cook. Ate a pineapple, apparently it helps embies stick lol
Just got the call, bungle didn't make it and I've shed some tears. Maybe I shouldn't have named them. Our maybe the progesterone is making me moody. We've still got zippy and George and are really lucky with that outcome. I wanted to go pick bungle up but I've consented to him being used for training embryologists which is the right thing to do. I'm crying over 6 cells you can't even see! Consoling myself with a chunk of cake and a cuppa.