Hi everyone. Well, the headache still hasn't lifted and I don't feel well at all Going to have a bullion soon to try and get rid of the hunger and headache. This is day 6 now so feeling this way is unusual for me after so long. Going to try and stick to 3 today and if I'm hungry treat myself to another bullion.
Precious, I am not adding food yet, just sticking to TS until goal. I WAS near goal but not now - got 12 to lose whereas before I cheated I was only 4lb from goal
I'm so considering just finishing off my packs now rather than later I'm depressed as scales went up 4lb and I've been really good on sw apart from not drinking enough at the weekend. Ive got a wedding to go to in 3 weeks and just wanna be slimmer and ive got just over 5weeks packs. Anyone's thoughts welcome.
time2go said:Was weigh day for me today, only lost 2lbs. I know its 2lbs the right way but on this diet 2lbs is disappointing. Need to use it to motivate me rather than demoralise me. And its still 23 lbs in four weeks, was bound to get a lower week. I hope by next week it is up again! So 100% for me now till end of June except my run days and work nights, I'll do ws on these days of I need it. I was dreaming of getting into 12s by end of June but with 12lbs to go Nd only 18 days its.not gonna happen.... Oh well, I will.get.there in July! X
best friends wedding said:Hi there started exante TS today having lost 5 stone for my wedding in 2007 on Cd it has now all drifted back on so determined to lose it and keep it off this time but know i need all the support i can get