Alli, I could have written that post... about a million times. I seem to be the slowest learner in the world. I do think our bodies are trying to outwit us and get us back to the original 'set point' weight... but boy, do i get fed up with being alert to it the whole time, and yes, I get so cross if a well-meaning OH or child suggests that three chocs in as many seconds might actually be ENOUGH.
Like you, I have had such a slow start to the New Year 'be-good' path... but I am there now, just about, yesterday was my first steady, no blank-out & binge type day. It feels so much better to have got that day under my belt, and I know that today can be just as good if I stay calm. I sometimes worry that I have to really, really get upset with myself (ie, push the boundaries and binge and feel rubbish) before I can motivate myself to get on track. Very screwed up. I am gonna work on those things this year.
KD said a long time ago that books are helpful but the answers are inside US... I am starting to see what she means. I have given up looking for a magic fix. Food wasn't it, CD wasn't it, books weren't... maybe there isn't one. Maybe I just have to engage my brain a bit more often when around trigger foods, and realise I have a long way to go yet. No nice scales drop to encourage me, either. But hey, I am carrying on.
You are too, Alli. You are such an inspiration here I hate to see you struggle, but wanted you to know you are not alone. We can do this together. Let's all reach out our hands... hold on tight... and step away from the sweety-jar.
Big hugs, Alli.