Allimack gettin back on track

WEll I didn't post y'day cos I was out most of the day but I'v been stayin on track...

Thurs 21/11/13

Snack: Banana
Lunch: Veg soup, small w/meal roll (HXB), raspberry ruffle (6)
Snack: Apple, Activia raspberry yoghurt
Dinner: Bolognaise hotpot (LOADS of superfree) topped wif cheese (HXA), roasted BNS
Snack: Hot choc (2), 2 x Aplen lights (HXB)

HX's: 2 x HXA* & 2 x HXB
* 2nd HXA as milk
Syns: 8
Exercise: at least 1hr walkin round town

2day is shaoin up 2 b another good day SW-wise, fingers x'd I can resist the w/end splurge! lol!

Fri 22/11/13

Snack: banana
*Lunch: Omelette wif chilli (lots of superfree), baked beans & HF cheese (part HXA)
Snack: apple, activia raspberry yoghurt
Dinner: spicy chicken pieces roasted wif red, yellow n green peppers, red onion, sweet potato & salsa. Mite do a few SW chips as well....
Snack: Not sure yet but will try 2 restrain myself since it's Fri nite!! lol!

HX's: 1 x HXA
Syns: Nil

I'l update the totals 2moro...

* This was a "using-stuff-up-from-the-fridge" kinda thing n it was surprisingly tasty! lol! I just used the omelette like a pizza base, mixed up the left over chilli wif the leftover baked beans (I heated this mix in the mirco 1st). I spread the mix over the base, topped wif grated cheese n popped under the grill 4 a few mins 2 melt the cheese. It was really lovely n fillin n also free, just part HXA 4 the HF cheese. It was so handy 4 usin up leftover stuff n also saves a HXB as previously I'v had this kida thing on bread or toast...

Hope everybody's well n lookin 4ward 2 the w/end! :)
Well once again I'v strayed from updating my diary - my excuse is that we'd family from England stayin wif us for the last 2wks - but at least I aven't strayed from SW! I've actually ave losses 2 report!! I lost 0.5lb last week n 1.5lb this week so I'm almost back 2 pre-pregnancy weight n well on schedule 2 hit my target of reachin that weight my xmas!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm not entirely sure wat 2day's menu will turn out like as I'm just grabbing a yoghurt n banana now then me n Sam r off 2 see Santa this morning (he's comin 2 r wee BF group! lol!). Mammy suggested I come over 4 lunch after as Dad's takin a half day so if I do that it'll b carrot n lentil soup. Still not 2 sure about this evenin yet as Chris is avin 4 a few pre-xmas drinks wif work colleagues in Belfast so it all depends on wat time he's comin home. If it's just me 4 T then it'll b sum of my batched cooked SW meals from the freezer - prob chilli - but if he needs T then I mite end up wif a takeaway oops! lol!

Anyway I hope everybody is keepin well n lookin 4ward 2 the w/end! xx
So I'v been neglectin my diary AGAIN but I can't seem 2 find a spare min these days! Not sure if it's the run up 2 xmas or motherhood that's the most responsible! lol! Anyway I'm pleased 2 report a 0.5lb loss this week which keeps me rite on track 2 hit my post-Sam target on xmas day, only 1lb 2 go!!! It's my work's xmas do 2nite n it'll b my 1st nite out in over a year! I'l most likely b wasted after 3 glasses of wine but sure it's the season 2 b jolly! lol!

Hope everybody is keepin well! xx
great news on the was your work's doo huni?x
Hey missus i have been awful at updating my diary too but i dont think i have been as good as you! Well done on the losses that is fantastic that you have so little left to lose. I am hovering a lb or two off target, going great guns then blew it on a shopping trip to derry at the weekend haha.

Sounds like you have been getting into the christmas spirit alright, it will be lovely for you all on christmas morning. i cant wait myself very exciting when you have wee ones of your own it brings the magic back!
Here to subscribe :) x

Hello n welcome! I'v been rubbish at postin lately but it's my new year's resolution 2 get back 2 postin everyday, even if it's ONLY wat I'm eattin n none of my usual dribble! lol! :)
great news on the was your work's doo huni?x

Hi hun, I'v been naughty n not been postin AGAIN! Work's do was gr8 thanx, I tried 2 pace myself as best I cud but still ended up quite plastered! lol! In fairness I wasn't THAT bad as I managed 2 make it home at a reasonable hour altho I'v total memory loss between walkin thru my front door n Chris wakin me on the sofa 2 go 2 bed! hahaha!

Anyway it was a STS 4 me this week which I'm not gona complain about after the amount of red wine, vodka n sambucca I consumed on Fri nite n then the sausage bap I had in the morning 2 soak it up n the indian takeaway on Sat nite since I was cravin it! lol!

I'm sooo lookin 4ward 2 xmas cos of Sam, I'm not usually an xmas kinda person but its def different this year!

Hope yer well n avin a gr8 w/end hun x
Hey missus i have been awful at updating my diary too but i dont think i have been as good as you! Well done on the losses that is fantastic that you have so little left to lose. I am hovering a lb or two off target, going great guns then blew it on a shopping trip to derry at the weekend haha.

Sounds like you have been getting into the christmas spirit alright, it will be lovely for you all on christmas morning. i cant wait myself very exciting when you have wee ones of your own it brings the magic back!

Uck don't b worryin 2 much bout those last few lbs cos they'll fly off in the new year, just relax n njoy xmas missus! I'v a STS this week but tbh I don't really mind since I pigged out n drunk so much at the w/end there! lol!

I'm really lookin 4ward 2 Sam's 1st xmas, it's made such a difference in r house! I even bought a xmas tree this year! lol!

Hope yer avin a gr8 w/end! x
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Check out my wee elf! :D
I kno I'm biased but my boy Sam is just gorgeous!! (sorry I kno I say that all the time but I can't help myself! lol!)


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aww look at him now....he's a wee puddin'! :D
xmas is always better with kids around...but wait til he's big enough to appreciate the whole santa's fab!

i don't have my wee one this year on xmas morning...he's staying with his dad this year on xmas eve (for the 1st time) and i'm not gonna lie...even though i play the part very well, i'm a bit gutted :( but i'm happy to go along with whatever he wants to do

he'll be back on xmas day and dementing us no doubt full of excitement and lack of sleep he he.
not sure if this is gonna be his last year of believing cos he's been asking questions lately but for now...i'm making the most of it.

great news on your sts - you lucky thing lol and i bet glad your doo went well.

if i don't catch up with you before...have a lovely xmas with your boys and here's to us getting these devil tempting foods and occasions out the way that make it difficult for us...grrr lol x
WEll I'm draggin myself outa the black hole I feel in2 4 a while there n lookin 4ward 2 gettin back in2 the Minimins-swing! :D I'v been dead lucky 2 ave stayed on track durin my absence, I think eatin the SW way has become such 2nd nature now that I seem 2 b able 2 cope wif the odd blib here n there. Still I miss the craic on here n all the new ideas so I'm back wif bells on!!:D