Ally's Diary - take two

My dodginess is also not helped by the fact that i feel like if anyone says anything that remotely annoys me i'm just going to freak out at them.

Ooo more cake. Don't want any, smells nice though.
I love coconut, tis yummy. Hmmm i'd go for, probably a normal kitkat chunky. I'm hoping its just a cold or something, head is killing me, and i just feel crap. Woo thursday!
Excuse me while I boast about my accomplishment. I walked past cake. And more cake. And sausage rolls, and chocolate and crisps. And more cake. I looked over as I walked past to go get my spare banana from the work kitchen, none of it looked tempted, walked past again with banana in my hand. I can smell it on the desk behind me. Still no temptation. :D And my belly is rumbling as its ready for lunch even though there is still an hour to go...nope still not tempted.
Oooo found some hot chocolates in my draw :D Just treating myself to a fudge highlights.
Well it definitely improved my mood at any rate. Back to the chewing gum now. Not that I have anything else to eat anyway!
Gone over on syns by 3.5, good job I have some left from Tues and yesterday :p
Fridayyyy :D

Breakfast: choc porridge, muller light
Lunch: Jacket spud and beans, nectarine, plum, 2x WW yogs
Tea: Cheese omelette, beans and chips, pear

HEa: milk
Hea: 2x cheese slices
HEb: porridge
HEb: 30g full fat cheddar

Syns: bournville highlights 2, gum 0.5, cheese 3, cadbury finger 1.5, freddo 5
Free Snacks: pear, prepacked fruit, banana x2
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Fancied cheese and beans on my jacket, but i don't know how much cheese they put on oopsy. So I'm going to HEb 30g and assume another 3 syns. There wasn't a lot lot but more than 30g i think.
Gah, had a coughing fit and nearly choked on my chewing gum. Not good. And I ended up swallowing a perfectly good piece of gum.
May be getting the hang of this "beat binging" thing. My colleague just asked me if i wanted a chocolate finger and i accepted one. With it being chocolate usually i'd want more, but i just ate it and told myself i didn't need more and practised my little exercise and now i'm quite content with having had just that one :)
Did half an hour on treadmill tonight, not been on since monday :O
Another gig tonight woooooo

Breakfast: kippers and scrambled egg, pear, ww yog
Lunch: bacon pitta, banana
Tea: chicken curry and rice

Hea: milk
Heb: wholemeal pitta

Syns: ketchup 0.5, 2x milky bar 7
Free snacks: grapes, ww yog
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Last night's gig was awesome, not much jumping around though, decided to stand back and let the insane teens to there thing!

Breakfast: muller light, banana, choc porridge
Lunch: ww yog, grapes
Tea: pitta bread pizza and salad

Hea: milk
Hea: rf cheese
Heb: porridge
Heb: wholemeal pitta

Syns: Bournville highlights 2, babybel 3, creme egg 9
Free snacks: ww yog
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Wasn't hungry at all at lunch, so i was going through the "i'm not hungry, so will i be eating for the sake of it, or should i eat because i should have 3 meals" deabte in my head. Ended up just having a yogurt and a few grapes
Dentist today blah, my 6 month checkup, 12 months after my last appointment.

Breakfast: grapes, banana, muller light, 2x alpen light
Lunch: Ham sandwiches, fridge raiders, activia snackpot, plum, mango
Tea: bacon, egg and LM sausages

HEa: milk
HEa: 2x babybel
Heb: 2x alpen light
HEb: bread

Syns: roast chicken fridge raiders 2, ketchup 0.5, gum 0.5, curly wurly 6, bournville highlights 2, marshmallows 1
Free Snacks: apple, prepacked fruit, grapes
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Fairly certain there is something doing down in work again, but no one is saying WHAT. However its already unnerving me.