Ally's Diary - take two

and btw anyone that knows me well will find this no surprise...i am sat with a bag of plums at my side, yes my plum craving has returned.
A rock band called We Are The Ocean, not really a fan of them myself, i like the scottish support band thats playing with them though :p Only going cos my friend wanted to go. I am seeing the support band (a rock band called Yashin that no one seems to have heard of :p) in their own show on saturday.
A rock band called We Are The Ocean, not really a fan of them myself, i like the scottish support band thats playing with them though :p Only going cos my friend wanted to go. I am seeing the support band (a rock band called Yashin that no one seems to have heard of :p) in their own show on saturday.
Don't know either of thems music but I have heard of Yashin. Probably cos they're Scottish. :D Hope you have a good night anyway. :D
Yah i got some from morrisons last week and they tasted horrid, but the ones i got off the market were nice and sour :D

All achy this morning, was a good gig, considering I knew 0 songs of the main act i really enjoyed them. But I did know all the songs by the support, Yashin, and they were amazing, seeing them again on saturday in there own show, can't wait!

Only used 8 syns yesterday (some kind of miracle or what!), and i feel really light today, didnt get on scales this morning (i know weigh in was yesterday so i shouldnt anyway but you know what i'm like) as my friend stayed over last night and i had to take her the train station before i went to work, so don't know if i really am lighter....but anyway

Breakfast: chocolate porridge, nectarine
Lunch: Mini quiches and salad, nectarine, ww yog x2
Tea: Mixed grill

HEa: milk
HEb: porridge

Syns: options coconut 2, baybybel 3, 1/3 coconut kitkat chunky 4
Free Snacks: prepacked fruit, banana
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Yay to feeling light, Hope the achy is just from jumping about at the gig. :D

I hope so too PP.

I just bought a coconut kitkat chunky...12.5 syns i work it out at. Might break it in half and eat part tonight part tomorrow...challenge 1, not to eat it in work this afternoon :D
I didnt realise there was a coconut one til i was in the shop and i was like I HAVE TO TRY IT.
The new kitkats are a bit too nice lol!

Ah Yashin are from my neck of the woods, although I think they are based in Glasgow now they actually formed in my wee home town lol! Random fact of the day ;-) x
Am i going to regret buying one? haha

Yeah they are based in glasgow :p
I tried choc fudge and coconut. They aren't really that much different from normal kitkat chunkys but I love them too. Some have flavoured chocolate others just have a flavoured layer between the wafer and choc.

Try poundland they are doing them 3 for £1. I paid 60p each for mine damnit :-( x
yeah i paid 60p for my coconut one, won't buy any more after this one, much more likely to eat them if i have them on hand :p
Well I didn't eat it in work... Now I'm thinking about whether to eat it all or break it in half hmmm
Comes in 3 bits so you got to eat a tiny bit, most of it or all of it :p
I didn't know they did that til I opened it. I ate 1/3 of it, saving the rest for tomorrow :p
I got on scales this morning (yes yes I know i shouldn't get on til tuesday) and they are at the moment showing a 2lb loss, hope it flipping sticks til Tuesday! Said I felt lighter yesterday :p

Breakfast: plum, choc philly on toast, ww yog
Lunch: fruity rice
Tea: stuffed chicken in bacon with cous cous and veg

Hea: 1/2 milk 1/2 laughing cows
Heb: bread

Syns: choc philly 3.5 , cous cous 1, fudge highlights 2, alpen light 3, 2/3 coconut kitkat 9
Free snacks: prepacked fruit, banana, apple
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Haha, well since my scales were being dodgy on tuesday i'll try not and hold my hopes up for tuesday, though i do hope its right...if i can get it to 2.5lb i'll get my half stone award too.

Talking of dodgy, thats how i feel today. Hope its just a cold and nothing else, I have another gig in 2 days, can't be missing that!