Ally's Diary - take two

Hope I'm not coming down with something, for the last few days I have been stupidly cold to the point i've been wearing my onesie and 2 hoodies and still cold, keep getting stomach ache and nausea (though this hits mostly at night) and yesterday I ended up in a random down mood over EVERYTHING with doesnt usually happen, its usually over one thing or other. I just wish I could get warm more than anything!
Now I'm nervous as well as cold. Interview tomorrow eep.
So nervous.

Breakfast: Alpen lights, banana
Lunch: bacon and cheese sandwich
Tea: salmon salad, strawberries and ice cream

Hea: milk
Hea: dairylea slices
Heb: bread
Heb: Alpen lights

Syns: twirl treat size 6, 3x mint toffee 6, humbug 2, low fat ice cream 3.5, curly wurly 6, options mint 2, mini marshmallows 1,glacier mint 1
Total syns: 26.5
Free snacks: banana

Body magic: cross trainer 10 mins, 45 mins walking
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No convinced that went well, don't think I'll get the job.
Breakfast: 2x Alpen lights, banana, clementine
Lunch: salmon salad
Tea: chilli prawns on sweet potato

Hea: 1/2 milk 1/2 philly
Heb: Alpen lights

Syns: Sweet chilli sauce 1.5, 2x cracked black pepper ryvita 3.5, 2x humbug 4, 1/2 wonka millionaires shortbread 5
Total syns: 14.5
Free snacks: 2x fig, banana

Body magic:
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Well done on the loss hun sorry I wasn't around to wish you luck in advance of the interview but I hope you get a good result. :D Hope you're feeling better and warmer now. :D

Still not heard back from the job, did say it could be a while though as he had more people to interview. I've been warm the last few days, I guess it was just a bug making me really cold before :)
Breakfast: nectarine, scrambled egg and bacon on toast
Tea: Ham and pineapple jacket potato, nectarine, banana

Hea: milk
Heb: bread

Syns: ketchup 0.5, 2x humbug 4, mint toffee 2, 1/2 wonka nice cream bar 5, walkers mighty lights 5.5
Total syns: 17
Free snacks: plum

Body magic: 1 hour walking
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Breakfast: Chocolate porridge, pear
Lunch: salmon, chickpea and pomegranate salad
Tea: mixed bean salad with feta, mousse

Hea: milk
Heb: porridge

Syns: options mint 2, feta 2, twirl treat size 6, harissa paste 0.5, honey 0.5, 1/4 wonka nice cream 2.5
Total syns: 13.5
Free snacks: nectarine, clementine, mousse

Body magic: 15 mins cleaning
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Have you ever tried putting porridge in the slow cooker, at fatty club today a woman said she does that, think I'll try it out on Sunday night ready for Monday morning, Monday mornings are always a bit of a rush for me as I still get up at 6:30 but start work at 8!!!

Hmm no never tried that one
Breakfast: mousse, banana, clementine
Lunch: ryvita with cottage cheese and ham
Tea: prawn pasta salad

Hea: milk
Heb: ryvita

Syns: curly wurly 6, ketchup 0.5, extra light mayo 1, mini milk 1.5, options orange 2, marshmallows 2, mint 1
Total syns: 14
Free snacks: apple

Body magic: wii cardio boxing and step aerobics
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Not particularly looking forward to today, gotta ring redundancy people cos they are trying to short change me by a week worth of pay, then I've got another interview this afternoon

Breakfast: laughing cow on toast
Lunch: ham and laughing cow sandwich
Tea: Thai green curry, banana

Hea: milk
Hea: laughing cow light
Heb: bread
Heb: bread

Syns: coconut milk 2, mini twister 2.5, curly wurly 6, Bournville highlights 2
Total syns: 12.5
Free snacks: 2x nectarine, 2x plums, melon, banana

Body magic: half hour walking
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Well the interview seemed to go well so fingers crossed with that one, should hear from them by end of week. Redundacy... Can't get though on phone, so emailed the woman about it, no reply as of yet, but just been told their systems have conveniently gone down.
Lost half a pound today, though I have discovered it is star week. But half a pound is better than nothing, just want to lose another half a pound in next two weeks to get to my mini goal of 12 stone
Breakfast: Chocolate porridge, plum
Lunch: beans and scrambled egg on toast
Tea: cheese and mushroom omelette
Hea: milk
Hea: rf cheddar
Heb: porridge
Heb: bread

Syns: caramel highlights 2, 2x curly wurly 12, 4x mint toffee 8, humbug 1
Total syns: 23
Free snacks: banana, 2x figs

Body magic: 45 mins walking
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