Morning lovely
Good post - especially the bit about the skinny friend. We were all slim once! So, Ok, we've put on weight - but you've proved that it can and will come off again.
And yep it does requires vigilance to do that, and to maintain. Jim is a real inspiration for me in this - eg he has a big rugby weekend, eating/drinking whatever he likes, and enjoys himself thoroughly, because he then goes straight onto strict induction afterwards and KNOWS the gain will disappear.
And don't worry about the choc ices. We all go mad sometimes (I won't mention the hugely carby pizza that got consumed here this weekend!) - the key is to just keep the fridge/cupboards as low carb as possible, so there is no temptation. I don't think 9lbs is a bad gain at all - I can do that in a week! (not that it's a contest

Re Alpro - do write - but you might find they will write back and say they offer unsweetened too

You're better off writing to the coffee chains like Starbucks and insisting they stock unsweetened! Or get your coffee from AMT - they do unsweetened as a matter of course. I have no hesitation now in grilling baristas about the type of soya milk they use and if it's sweetened I frown, complain loudly and go elsewhere. Of course, if it's unsweetened, then I bestow a beautiful smile upon them and all is well with the world

I even got the cafe at work to change their brand - power to the people!
I'm starting with you tomorrow, by the way