Thank you Bren!
Day 2 of the return journey. Have lost 3lbs but it doesn't feel like I want to celebrate - just want to beat myself up for being so rubbish.
I need to tackle my head stuff if I'm ever going to lose the weight and keep it off permanently.
My 2 work skirts that were so lose 3 weeks ago are now fitting snugly - and I'm bowled over, amazed, stunned at how quickly that has happened!
Hopefully it's a lesson learned.
Can't wait to get back into K... and hopefully my appetite will be as it was a year ago! If it's not I'm going to look at other ways to suppress it - perhaps acupuncture? and maybe look at talking therapies? because otherwise, I'm just sitting on a time bomb waiting to go off and I'll be back up to 22st (and beyond) in next to no time.
So, I guess the biggest positive to come out of the diet break so far is just realising how easy it was to slip back to my old eating habits and I just can't let that happen! Hopefully, the other positive from the diet break is to kick my body into losing again and I won't know that until I get back to what I was and then continue going down.
B - 2 eggs scrambled with cheese, soya latte.
Feeling a bit daunted and a wee bit jaded at the moment... x