Your brain was thinking - ah, ice cream and a quick easy meal: this will make me feel better. Not because it will, really, but because we've always told ourselves that those things are comforting treats, that they're a good panacea for all varieties of feeling bad. I've had some rough days lately where I've sat there and felt 'oh I should go and have some bloody chocolate'.
Or my brain even twists it to 'I should have some bloody chocolate, I feel bad enough already'. As if I can sneak it on without feeling bad about it because I already do. Crazy things, brains.
But you know what really does make you feel better and I reckon your body is letting you know that. I felt really rough by the end of my off plan break, too. So you need to make your brain listen to your body - and you are by chucking the junk out.
Get off the scales, stop punishing yourself, and commit to two weeks totally clean and green, lots of fat - cream and cheese and oil to cook in. Hot yummy meals. Dont restrict or punish yourself when it comes to Atkins food: make it a treat. Bacon, burgers, salmon, steak. Check out old food diaries and pick off your favorite meals. No booze if you can possibly avoid it. It's just two weeks, you can do it and once you have I promise the results and how much better you feel physically will be all the motivation you need to keep on. Come on Di you've got this.