Just managed to get the wifi to work in the middle of nowhere in the Dordogne - stunning place, fabulous weather - 25 degrees today.
Eat like a water buffalo (not sure if that's the correct analogy but it'll do) ... but, that's fine cos will be clean and green from Tuesday when I'm back in London.
I started to read the early Atkins book again last week - it is SO different from the new one and seems to suit me better - I need a tough plan to follow otherwise I end up like an amoeba and just flop around the place and the early book is much tougher - hardly any veg in the first couple of weeks - mostly salad but plenty of protein, eggs and 4oz of cheese a day - not as much cream as I thought at only 3 teaspoons. That's roughly what I followed last week for 3 days before I left for France and I lost 8lbs. I'm likely to put it all back on this weekend - lots of croissants and pinot charente - a local aperitif mid way between a sweet sherry and wine - really delicious - like drinking alcoholic ribena!! lol
Anyway, will go straight back onto induction and I feel very relaxed about it. Am walking a lot which is excellent and the stunning countryside makes it such a pleasure!!!
Hope everyone has been good? xx