Alpaca's stream of consciousness - IS BACK ON THE WAGON!

Aw poor Di, so many at our place are down with colds that it is resembling a sanitarium - hope you feel better soon xxx
Morning lovelies ... Still feeling awful and have been working like crazy too / not a great combo ... So not much happening on the Atkins front but seeing as I have no taste buds working at the moment everything tastes like cardboard ! Lol

Will get back on track once I can breathe again and not stop sneezing and blowing my nose!

Thats horrible i had a sneezefest lastnight nwas bunged up feltitas more allergy than cold well hoping so! Get well soon xx
Take care of yourself, lovely. Definitely not the moment to worry about dieting - just get as much nutrition as you can and get well soon! xxx
Ugh how horrible. I live in fear of colds, and you're right - this summer it made me feel incredibly spiteful to be off my diet but unable to taste anything!! Look after yourself sweets xx
Hi, hope the evil cold is on its way out now got my flu jab tomorrow ugh hate needles but hate flu more!
Morning guys

Not sniffle free yet but can't go on using it as an excuse to stuff myself with foods that only make me feel good in my head and mouth and only before they hit my digestive system........ And then they make me feel really ill - upset tum, unhealthy, bloated... Yuck yuck yuck!

So back to clean and green today!

B - egg, cheese, butter
I hate being ill on Atkins, was doing really well this time last year then got a bug which laid me low for about three days- totally couldn't eat low carb food- toast, soup and cereal was all I could keep down. Took me ages to jump back on the wagon!
Lovely plain low carb chicken broths and courgette soups sound like an idea while you're patching yourself up, Di. Ooh, chicken broth with some ginger added would be good for a cold. Heat up some shredded chicken breast and mushrooms in it?
glad your on the mend, i am dreading getting a cold, i have bad sinus and asthma so when i get one i suffer and practically live on lockets, wish they would make them with splenda in them. chicken soup sounds lush while your recovering xx
Afternoon cherubs! Well, I'm on plan right now and have been since I woke this morning - baby steps though and I'm just holding my breath as it's minute by minute right now.

Have just made a pork mince concoction - with celery, spinach, half a beef stockpot, garlic, ginger (thanks for reminding me) and some paprika and star anise and thyme - I sloshed some red wine vinegar into it and some parmesan grated. Then mixed a couple of eggs with mayo and cream cheese and floated on top - I forgot to buy grated cheese as that works best.

It's starting to smell lish.

I am so HUGE again that I just feel so unhealthy, and out of breath and fat and waddly and whale-like... ho hum... it will come off!! lol x
Ooh that sounds lish. And you've been unwell so stop beating yourself up, you'll be fine. I have been sneezing all day and it would be just my luck to come down with a cold right now and end up with a bright red sore hooter and swollen glands for Saturday!!
Oh no Lisa ... That would not be nice ! Lots concealer would help if you ended up like Rudolph - but what about taking echinacea and that Beechams advance protect thingie ?
Afternoon, don't worry about the gain, it will soon come off again, you lost 7 lb in a few days, this gain will go just as quickly.....good luck
Ah thank you Sammy! Xx