Oh well... I lost my seat on the wagon last night! A friend came over and I had half a bottle of wine and chicken with mixed veg on boiled rice! I feel completely grot today!! - but no change to weight - which is a result!
I'm straight back on the wagon though and just had a really late breakfast of egg with 2 bacon - I thought that would help me perk up but am still feeling yuck! Lol - all self inflicted!
Thanks Jim - laxatives are definitely on my shopping list at the moment, LOL. As is Fybogel ... But can't start fat fast today until the wickedness of last night is flushed through! Lol
I'm becoming a diet nerd and realised I must have sounded like Billy Graham last night preaching about Atkins and that brilliant Groves book! They always say converts are worst!
Am planning on having 2 chicken thighs later wrapped in bacon and a little Parmesan with garlic and a few herbs... Might do some shredded cabbage sautéed in butter to go with that.
Strange that the scales didn't go up though... Perhaps the body needs a bit of a change every now and again?
And I think tape measure is showing a little change too... So all relatively good news!
Susie... You have me thinking about getting a cat... I might start with a rescue foster cat first to see if I'm capable of looking after one in my place... Havent had one in years and I might have forgotten how to do it! All the lovely kitty pics on here though have got me thinking...