Gold Member
I just don't know where the week has gone!! I've been trying to keep up with some of the posts on my iPod when I can but haven't been able to post anything!
It's been a busy week in terms of doing lots of stuff for 'me'! That seems to have been a full time job! lol
My first visit to Physio this week was really helpful - she was concerned about the inflammation of my very annoying knees and legs - had a great massage and she doesn't want me to do any excessive walking until the swellings have gone down but she did say walking in a swimming pool would be good. So, I've been looking at which one will suit my severe mental disorder I have about myself
- will go once I've got cossie from Evans.
The ultra sound I had this week detected a gall stone so am seeing GP about next steps.
Acupuncture also included cupping this week which hurt - but I think helped a bit - the next day I was practically pain free - and then it wore off - but it did show that it did work for a while.
I've been very good on the diet - except for a blip on Thursday when I had half a bottle of wine and a chicken and veg on boiled rice ... I felt so horrible the next day that I don't think I'll be doing that in a hurry.
However, the big bummer is that overall I went up by 3lbs and am now back to what I was 2 or maybe 3 weeks ago.
I tried the fat fast that's in the Atkins book but I chose a bad day - a really bad day - so the small meals that I should have taken the whole day to eat didn't last the whole day - I think I demolished them within about 2 hrs.
So, have changed my plan a little... i've bought some Atkins shakes from Amazon - they have a special deal on and it's miles cheaper!! .... once they arrive I'll have the latte/coffee one in the morning during the week at work, and then maybe the vanilla one for lunch on the days I'm not meeting up with colleagues and then perhaps will have protein (chicken or salmon) with a couple of cups of salad leaves for dinner.
I hope that suits me for a while and will just see if it moves the scales again! It's so disheartening!
But, I think I'm about 2ins less around the hips (hard to tell cos the hips have been in hiding for so many years that I've never really tried to look for them for a while!) So, I think that's good news.
Sorry about the ramble - hope you've all been good?
Di xx
It's been a busy week in terms of doing lots of stuff for 'me'! That seems to have been a full time job! lol
My first visit to Physio this week was really helpful - she was concerned about the inflammation of my very annoying knees and legs - had a great massage and she doesn't want me to do any excessive walking until the swellings have gone down but she did say walking in a swimming pool would be good. So, I've been looking at which one will suit my severe mental disorder I have about myself
The ultra sound I had this week detected a gall stone so am seeing GP about next steps.
Acupuncture also included cupping this week which hurt - but I think helped a bit - the next day I was practically pain free - and then it wore off - but it did show that it did work for a while.
I've been very good on the diet - except for a blip on Thursday when I had half a bottle of wine and a chicken and veg on boiled rice ... I felt so horrible the next day that I don't think I'll be doing that in a hurry.
However, the big bummer is that overall I went up by 3lbs and am now back to what I was 2 or maybe 3 weeks ago.
I tried the fat fast that's in the Atkins book but I chose a bad day - a really bad day - so the small meals that I should have taken the whole day to eat didn't last the whole day - I think I demolished them within about 2 hrs.
So, have changed my plan a little... i've bought some Atkins shakes from Amazon - they have a special deal on and it's miles cheaper!! .... once they arrive I'll have the latte/coffee one in the morning during the week at work, and then maybe the vanilla one for lunch on the days I'm not meeting up with colleagues and then perhaps will have protein (chicken or salmon) with a couple of cups of salad leaves for dinner.
I hope that suits me for a while and will just see if it moves the scales again! It's so disheartening!
But, I think I'm about 2ins less around the hips (hard to tell cos the hips have been in hiding for so many years that I've never really tried to look for them for a while!) So, I think that's good news.
Sorry about the ramble - hope you've all been good?
Di xx