Silver Member
Sounds like a great day! I didn't get any of the juiced options, might do for next month. I didn't like coffee last time I did this, but it definitely expands my options and makes my morning coffee more interesting adding in a shake!Yesterday was a success!
Breakfast: Vanilla and coffee (spot a pattern Yet?!)
Lunch: Peach Juiced (quite refreshing)
Dinner: Salted Caramel bar (yum!)
Picked up my crochet hook and found that working on a project helped in the evening.
29 weeks today till my brother gets married!
Fab to have started a project in the evening to keep your hands busy - i need to get on that too. What are you going to crochet?
RE: fizzy drinks - i'm sticking with sparkling water with water enhancer for now, I have some 7up free syrup for the soda stream too, so might give that a go and see what happens - it's handy having the ketostrips to check up. I seem to remember from cambridge last time that I could have 1 x dr. pepper zero per week? There's a couple of Exante groups on Facebook which seem to be quite good at having the right information.
Hope you have a successful weekend! xx