Amy Adele a proper update

IM staying with my mum this week shes had a major op and so im looking after my little brother and sister who are 6 and 9 so im doing all the school runs and such, but not being able to see my half for coming up to a week and half is making me quite down

and hungry its okay when im busy with the kids but when there at school or have gone to bed i just wanna eat rubbish :( meh

god i sound sad lol
grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr im so angry with my self and feel so de motivated :(:(:(
Lost 4.5lbs this week

and got slimmer of the month woooooooooooooooooohoooooooooooooo

Hmmmmmmmmmm well last week i gained 1.5lbs and this week i lost 2 so i suppose thats good

got my stone and a half award

3lbs more and got my club 10 award YAY

WELL a month ago I found out i would be loosing my job at Christmas and so i have been so stressed and trying hard not to binge eat or comfort eat lol but even though its just a 9 hour shop job i love it and felt really down. Ive been applying for other jobs but its all xmas temp ones and i need a long term one :(

Ive been loosing the weight steadily but am finding it harder and harder to be motivated so any tips would be great.

IM taking part in a dance show on the 25th of November and as its "fosse"! style i have to wear fishnets really scared im still not anywhere near what i wanna be :(:(

Had a job interview yesterday he said i was the best had interviewed so im just hoping and praying ill hear back from that

Its my birthday next Thursday (WI day) and I bought a dress size 16 and it fits and looks very very sexy!

sorry for all this just had a lot on my mind and wanted to get it off
Thats super poo about your job hun. ((hugs)) i hope somthing comes up for you soon.. congrats on still loosing weight through such a stressful time!

use the show as your motivation, fish nets eh! :D youl look fab, but all this healthy eating will make you feel 100% better!!

i bet you look stunning in your dress, enjoy your birthday hun, just remember that back on plan is were you wanna be straight after okay!

happy birthday for tomorrow gorgeous..

30lbs ligher!! and i want to thank you all

this month ive been making a scrap book about my weight lost journey lol its amazing that now ive lost 30lbs looking back I can see it


As im loosing my job ive been taking everyone's LOVELY advice (thank you everyone :)) and ebaying my little-ER socks of and today I have a gawjus dress in a small size THAT FITS. hehe

just wanted to that you all for the support you keep me strong and always answer my questions your all inspirational and I was reading through this forum that convinced me to join so thanks guys your all STARS!!!!!!!!!
Glad your feeling so much better, still poo about your job but you know you can keep up these good spirits and motivation. Positive thinking works for everything. :eek:)

*hugs* xxxxxx