Gold Member
i wouldn't worry Kim...know you are not anyway...but hubby home was bound to mean extra or more days of indulgence. if you can't enjoy some drinks and nice food when hubby is home, when can you? you will be on track before you know it. is it 1 or 3 months he is home?
He's home on leave for a month, so I've been halfy halfy on plan! day 3 of being good today!
Aww thank youOff to do my shopping now for the weekend. Sound funny but Thursday is our "Friday" hehe
Not had too much socially, think it's boredom if I'm in at night and with H being away, need to plan more stuff through the week!
Im the same Danni, so I always save most of my syns for the evening & sometimes a Hex. I also have a BIG evening meal followed by a bowl of fruit like melon, pineapple, kiwi, strawberries, so Im quite often too full for my choocie!
Its a nightmare at the moment tho as D is always eating, especially in the evening muttering he wants choccie or wine gums lol! Is your Mr H the same? x
This looks yum, my hubby loves satay so I must try it.
Debbie its gorgeous & one of my favourite dinners. I tend to double the recipe, so I freeze whats left. Its quite a mild 'satay' taste, but you could always add more peanut butter lol!