Hi susie. Last WI was 22 feb. I'm pretty sure I'm back up into the twenties. I'm feeling it too. Really bloated and grotty. To be honest I can only blame myself but it's just taken some pressure off me not being on the diet while in laws are here five days a week. My son has been refusing to eat anything his nana prepares. I eat with him now but he has to see me eating the same things for him to eat anything new. I've kept below 1200 cals but feel grotty. My boy is 14 months old and eats most veg, eggs and meat but his grandparents keep giving him lots of bread, crumpets, biscuits etc which isn't very balanced. It's like I'm dealing with three kids these days.
So, diet wise not great. We've just bought loads too. No binges but carbs have been consumed. I can't wait to get back to plan. Keep going everyone.