Hi all, well I managed to lose 1/2 lb this week, im happy to take that as I really thought a gain or sts!!
Woke up today feeling bright and ready to tackle putting a border up in Callum's room, move a few pictures round and spring clean around the house...all before the twins arrived at 12-15!!!
Anyway, I watched Jezza at mums, so was running behind

... Came home and decided I need to make use of a storage basket I brought at the weekend and put all the photo albums etc in there....After moving Callums toys from the downstairs toy cupboard to his room we now have a lovely little storage cupboard for bits and bobs...So there I was bent down in the cupboard lifting the storage box and my back went!!!
I literally fell over in pain and tried to stand up and couldnt

... I managed to crawl (not a pretty site im sure) to the hall to get the phone and call my sister for help!!...She came round and after abot 15 mins of trying I managed to half stand up, my back was/is killing me...So I had to cancel the twins coming and dose up on ibruprofen with a hot water bottle on my back - I swear the pain is like a knive cutting through my nerves

Right now im laid up on hubbys laptop, am hobbling to the toilet and thats about as far as I can get

...Can beleive I had so much planned and my whole day was spent in pain unable to move!!
I'm hoping it may feel a bit better in the morning as really don't want to have to visit the docs
Had a "feeling sorry for myself" takeaway tonight, so now have that to make up for this week!!...x