Hi all

... Found myself on page 3 :O

... Not in the daily sport though

Hope you are all well, I have been popping in and reading, just not getting a chance to add to diaries (I have a nearly 9 year old computer thief in the house!!!!)...
We did go to the beach last week and it was great fun, a lovely sunny day...I did have fish and chips and an ice cream, but have been good this week so hopefully not to much damage was done!!
Not really much been happening, we had a new hall carpet fitted this week, I had the twins and we all made easter baskets...was good fun and kept them amused for at least..10 mins lol!!!
Mum has been fairly quiet, surprisingly, she has a new interest in her life....The next door neighbour who's 40 and single!!!....Considering this time last year she phoned me to tell me he was dead (someone told her someone round their street had died and she thought it might be him ROFL)....So he was dead for a few days until I saw him down the town....Ghost hunting while shopping

So she's been talking bushes with him lol!!!...They share a bush and she wanted it shorter so he got out there and did it with shears yesterday!!! she then invited him in and they discovered they share a love for Roy Orbison (someone has to

Callum has been pinching the pc and generally annoying me all week long, can't wait to get away for a few days next weekend...hopefully the arcades etc will keep him occupied for a bit lol!!
Easter eggs seem to be appearing all over the place, Callum has about 6!...Not pleased and he WILL be having the chocolate rationed out over weeks!!...My sister brought me and Damo an egg head egg which is just the egg with nothing inside...I pointed it at 9 and a half points!! wtf?!!!...Ive told Damo he can take them into the skinny chocolate lover collegue he has at work! (let her get fat *evil cackle*!)
On Sunday we are having roast beef, and all the trimmings and maybe a slice of easter cake

... That will be after WI though!!
Oh ive managed to do 10 mins on the cross trainer 3 times this week..the wii fitness hasn't happened, and I have no excuses other than im a lazy moo cow!!
I must try to drink more this coming week, im sure im getting max of half a litre a day at the moment and it's showing in my piddle lol!..Don't know why but im finding it really difficult to stomach lots of fluid atm?!
Anyway im off to veg in front of the TV!
I'm sure I will get into some diaries to post when Callum is back at school!! xx