Hmnnn I nearly spat my tea out when reading that bit about pussy hair dyes but reading again saw what you meant!!.
I would weigh in on Sunday morning there are no weight loss police around, you do as you think best. I always do that when I have a day out as wi time.
As for the elec bill I think a stiff drink in a purely medicinal way is called for urgently
Take care
I think Sunday is going to be WI day

... Didn't manage to fit a stiff drink in last night, but may do tomihgt
Ann summers do Pussy Hair dyes' luminous pink!
and actually pink and brown are in at mo as far as decorating shemes
Your funny x
PMSL!!!!....Pink and brown would look great!! Good excuse for an ann summers party me thinks

Hiya Anna.
Glad you are feeling better now re;your back!!
Hope you get the bill sorted soon.
Enjoy your w/end hun.xx
Thanks Fuzzy, revised bill was actually £ alot better lol
we used to have a couple of tabby cats who could very cleverly shed their dark hairs onto light stuff and light hairs onto dark stuff!! guess if you're gonna have a cat you're gonna have hair!!
I dont blame your for checking about the bill, cos if if gets found out at a later date your could ve had a huge bill to sort out!!
Yep, us poor cat owners

.... Mind you mum's pooch is a lot worse for shedding half his fur all over the place!!
I always phone up with a reading when they estimate..Have been burnt in the bum with the gas before!
The pussy dye made me laugh really hard....and the fact that Tracey is advocating bright pink is just worrying

What on earth will they think of next.
You sounded just like me regarding the bill - glad it all ended well. It is a tad embarassing though when we jump in with both feet...never mind. No harm done.
Have a lovely day out on sunday and weigh in whenever you feel like it xxx

..Am really looking forward to a yummy meal, a few drinks and a nice chilled day
Hi all

... Have had a busy old morning, went to town first thing and picked up mothers day bits for my nan, sister and auntie ( sisters b/f always seems to be away when presents need to be brought!!! And 16 yr old cousin has Aspergers and has gone really funny about leaving the house atm!)
So got some lovely Tulips for nan, a teddy and card for nieces to give to my sister, a card, choccys and teddy for cousin to give to auntie..and another couple of bits for my mum....Have also ordered a nice hand tied bouquet for mum so she should like that
Then came home, did the housework and washing (more washing lol)...Callum came home from footy at 12, picked mum up and went to the home to see my nan..She is 86 this year and looked so well and bright today, really love it when shes like that...She recognised me and mum straight away

Left Nan flirting round the newest male resident in the home and am now home and chilling

I got some of the mini tubs of bgtys humous from sainsbury's today and had half of two tubs with loads of carrot sticks..lovely and only 1.5 pts!!!...Then had some sf jelly with low fat evaporated milk- MMmmmm...only worked out at 1/2 pt...feeling nice and full and about ready for an afternoon nap now!!!
Hope everyone has a great weekend xx