LOL-Since i started WW i cant even look at a sausage!!
Have a lovely day and an even better w/end.

...Sausages are up there with chinese for me

I'm with you Anna I love a spicy sausage but worry if eating them means you have to shake tail feathers all over the place ..that could do some damage to me and the floor.
Hope you manage to resist the cake and that game on facebook so you can spend some more time on here
Hi M, Resisted the cake...but not the rice crispie cakes..does that count?!
Hi Anna - how did it go in the end? Are u all danced out?
Good luck for your WI 2moz x
Hiya, it was fab, the kids and adults enjoyed it
Hi all

... Bit of an eating fest this w/end im afraid...Well I say that, but in comparision to pre WW it was just a little nibble lol
Friday my sister invited us over to see the birthday girl open her presents and had done a mini buffet with cake!!!....I had a little nibble, but nothing serious..but did have a small slice of that cake..was actually quite nice, considering I don't usually like chocolate cake!!
Saturday morning my sis was stressing whether she had enough buffet food, drinks etc...We went out to arrange and pay for hall carpet to be fitted so while out I popped to tescos and picked up some chicken nuggets and a few other bits... The chubber Anna took control and (quite selfishly


decided that Callum would love to make some rice crispy cakes for the party...(more like chubber Anna would love to munch rice crispy cakes!!)
So we made about a million of these cakes and I had one to "test" them, told myself that was definatly enough and it worked, until 2hours into the party...Yes my sister booked a four hour party for a 12 yr old who had invited all her lovely screaming male and female friends

I sat resisting the food, then had another 1 of the crispy cakes, followed by another 5 throughout the evening :copon:...The funny thing was that the kids didnt eat hardly any of the cakes!!....Luckily DH took control when I produced a bowl full of cakes as my "party bag" and told me NO!!!
Party went well, the kids really enjoyed themselves and so did we (sshhh we had a sneeky quarter bottle of vodka between us!!!)
Anyway I stepped on the scales this morning (have made a permenant change of WI day to Sunday now, as I figured if im ever bad it's with a meal out on a sunday...not counting this weekend!)...I am 5lbs down this week

wooohooo!!!....Im not daring to step on tomorrow as I've a feeling it might all catch me up, So this week I intend to be angelic for the whole 7 days, not just 5!!
Today I used the fitness coach on wii for the first time, the lady on there kindly told me I need to lose weight (go figure!)...I did what she recommended, so 15 mins of cardio...It was actually quite easy to follow and definatly got my heart rate up!
The plan is to continue to follow the 15 mins for 6 days a week and see where that takes me
Ok better get off and sort Callum out for bed, and me!
Hope you all had great w/ends x