complain, and if they say no, then threaten a refund because you're unhappy with the service - bet you they will drop it for you xxx
I've tried ringing a couple of times now and nothing so far, can't get through - mind you I am phoning after office hours (keep forgetting in the day!!)
Yeah i'm with Rach on that Anna its worth a try infact its worth £200 if they say yes
Best of luck with your new course and good thinking on taking ur own sarnie just incase! Hope your feeling less stressed soon hun and well done u for not turning to food

Ps Sofa looks lovely - love the colour its kind of mink v nice x
Thanks hun xx
Hey Anna, I'm with the others give em a ring who knows, it's worth a try! Looks lovely, I've just had my new sofas delivered today.
Congratulations on not grabbing at the naugties when stressed, hope your feeling better.
Good luck with starting your course xx

....I'm so excited about new sofas, I've never actually had a brand new one, I usually have mum's when she's bored

... seeing as she gets bored after a year i've had me some mint couch's
Hiya Anna,nice sofa our old one was very similar.
Good luck for the course and well done on the thinking ahead hun re;food.
Have you got a Greenhouse??If not just be careful with the cold evenings hun if your gonna get your bedding plants one frosty snap could kill em...

we are still heating our Greenhouse at night..
Thanks for advice, I have no clue with things like that lol...Do you think I should wait until the beg of May??
Hi all, must have been a while as I found me on page 3 :O!!!! Again that's the only page 3 you'll ever find me on

The course went really well, was a lovely bunch of girls there and I ended up having a good giggle...Had an exam at the end, but was multiple choice so think I did fine

Only thing was (it was health and hygiene course) the man said just before lunch, Who has brought a packed lunch?...I said I had - He then proceeded to tell me how many bacteria there would be flying around in my sandwich made 6 hours earlier!!!...proper put me off, so I headed for the lunch provided..
Luckily it was all good, healthy food..yippeee!!!...So I had one triangle sandwich with chicken in, 4 small chunks of chicken, they had put all kinds of yummy spices and things in it so was tasty, a bit of salad then a small slice of melon and one of pineapple...
Was the best provided lunch I've seen in a long time, was a rather posh hotel though
Friday I had the twins, had a good day food wise and a fairly chilled day
Today we got invited to a bbq and tbh I really wanted to cancel, but when I thought about why it was literally because I didn't know if I could go and not be bad!!
Decided that wasn't fair on the birthday boy or Callum and Damo so went along
Don't think I did to badly, I took with us some carrot sticks, a pot of low fat homous and made a chicken noodle sweet and sour dish (was v.low in points

) ... I ended up having two small chicken squewers, some homous and carrot sticks, lil bit of noodle dish, 3 (yep I counted!!) doritos with dip, one bread stick and a hot dog in a roll...They had brought low fat sausages yay!!! Then 3 toasted marshmallows - sacrificed vodka for these!!
Think I counted it at 15 points to be safe, hope that's enough, but haven't had much else today so should be covered...Was glad I went, although i'm proper fancying a bbq of our own now

We tend to get burgers for the kids and make loads of kebabs for the adults, hubby makes a nice marinade with whatever he can find in the cupboards!! they taste great and with a nice salad are v.low pointed
Tomorrow i'm off to a car boot, don't have to get up early though - they call it a lazy Sunday car boot, so it doesn't start till 12pm, how cool is that?!!
Will have a roast when we return
Wi day tomorrow, totm came today so i'm hoping it's not going to affect WI...I need those 4.5lb from last weekend gone asap!!
Oh at the bbq someone commented that I had "loads" of weight, really boosted me, and if i'm honest probably gave me a little reminder of why I didn't want to scoff all the food lol... They had some yummy looking ribs there, does anyone know how many points one rib is? Wish i'd have had one instead of sausage now lol
Anyway off to bed in a min, am hoping the pub near to us, which has a live band on v.loudly at the moment, is going to be quiet soon

(such an old lady I am
