Anna's Diary...Back a few pounds....and....A BABY!!!!!

that frozen yoghurt sounds gorgeous! :D i'm going to have to add that to the list (along with the mini milks that you also mentioned ages ago! :D) for my next shop!

hope your headache has gone away and that you have a good day :) xxx
Hi Anna

You'd better practise horse riding just in case you do decide to move to Georgia and become a cowgirl :D

BTW You can watch Biggest Loser over :)

Hope the headaches have gone ... hopefully that lovely dinner did the trick!

Have a great day!
Hope you're feeling better Anna x
Hi all, Sorry ive not had a chance to post for a few days, been lurking around...but lots going on so been busy busy...
We have a bbq planned today, have been spending time with our friends before they leave :(

Any way will do a proper update and come see how everyone is doing later on :) ... I WI this morning and another 3lbs off :D...Good times!!!!

Speak to you all later xxx
Congrats on 3Ib Anna, simply fantastic.
Enjoy the BBQ xx
you are doing absolutely fabulously Anna - well done! :D enjoy your BBQ, you deserve it xxx
well done on your WI x
I have been reading your diary and you have some great weigh ins
hope I can be as focussed as you
well done on the latest 3lb to hit the fat bin :)
Anna well done on your weight loss here's to another good week ;)
Congrats on 3Ib Anna, simply fantastic.
Enjoy the BBQ xx

Thanks :D

you are doing absolutely fabulously Anna - well done! :D enjoy your BBQ, you deserve it xxx

hehe, did enjoy...a bit to much :p

3lbs off and a bbq sounds like a perfect day to me.
catch you later

Was perfect xx

Well done Anna on your fab WI result...
Heres to another successful week for ya..;):p xx

Thanks Fuzzy xx

well done on your WI x

Thanks xx

I have been reading your diary and you have some great weigh ins
hope I can be as focussed as you
well done on the latest 3lb to hit the fat bin :)

Aww thank you, I'm sure you will do fab xx

Anna well done on your weight loss here's to another good week ;)

Thanks xxx

Hi all, Well what a week and w/end, It really was non-stop!!
Week was pretty much boring, but spent doing course, helping mum etc
Saturday I popped to sainsburys to get some new tops and tried on some jeans, They were size 22 and fitted (bit tight to wear yet though!!)...Was so pleased, the last time I remember trying on jeans in sainsburys I was proper deflated as couldnt get them up past my thunder thighs :eek::eek:
So had a good day sat, also got some new garden furniture from asda, proper bargain :D!!!
Sunday was BBQ day, so after a good wi I allowed myself a bit of a day off :p
Ate well at the bbq, didn't drink during the day as banned alcohol when mum is around, just don't want her to feel left out!!
Anyway mum and family all left late afternoon and my friend produces 2 litres of vanilla, I said, we can save some for next weekend and polish some off tonight.....At 3am between the four of us we had finished two litres plus a litre of Absolut that I had....lots of shots, karaoke, poker and random other games turned into drinking games!!!!...Needless to say I had a hangover from hell all day yesterday and paid no attention to the fact I am a WW now:p...Damage = 2lbs heavier than Sunday :eek::eek:....But had a wicked time with our friends and plan the same next weekend as it's their last one before they go :( :wave_cry:
So this week...I shall be an angelic WW, will get any excess off and save many points for w/end!!!

Question....Does anyone know if vanilla smirnoff is still 1/2 pt a shot??..or pub measure :p:p

Ohhhh and my couch came on Friday..yippeee!!!!....The colour is not as dark as I thought it would have been...but I like it better, had a fabulous hungover nap on it yesterday and it is soooo comfy!!

So this week, I am being good and trying to save my 4 points a day to use some at the weekend...I have an all dayer first aid course on Thursday....It's the same place as last weeks though and the lunch provided was simple salad and sandiches, so not to worried about that - Mind you they did serve dessert of yummy looking cheesecake, but I point blankly refused that...god knows how as I lurveee cheesecake!!!

My sil has stopped working, so no twins for me this week, am actually really going to miss them :(....Sure she will be over one afternoon though...
I might get some decorating done this week, really want to do the toilet and bathroom....see how motivated I feel lol!!

Ok i'm gonna shut up and go see how everyone is doing, haven't posted in diaries forever!!
Hi nannis those weekends/nights are the best when they turn into something even better than you expected:D sad to see your friends leave the country but you will have to go visit & have lovely holidays with them instead.
p.s well done on your weight loss this week you did good x
Its great to read your post - sorry about the hangover
but you live your life and dont let the eating plan dictate to you - enjoy your time with your friends next week - friends are so important :)
Hi Anna

Glad you had a great weekend!

Read your post in ... hmm forget who's diary about looking back at your wedding pics... don't be gutted - you looked beautiful :)

Hiya Anna glad the w/end went well and hope you are now hangover free..
have a nice evening..x
pretty sure vanilla smirnoff is same as regular smirnoff - 0.5 for one, 1.5 for two shots / pub measures of 25ml :)

glad you had a lovely time - i am just like you - alcohol makes me completely forget that I am on WW and trying to be good! Either way, you have a lifetime to lose weight, you dont have all that time to spend with your friends :) xxx