Thanks Irene x
My diary gets quiet too...maybe I get annoying lol Abz still stalks me regularly... which is great and Vicky has gone from minimins to email to fb to txt msgs to taking me to her WW meeting... a real life friend how exciting!!
That's what I need...A good stalker lol!!
Hi Anna
Congrats on the 6lb ... and yes it is 6 not 1.5
Thanks Twigs, Feel a bit of a cheat saying 6lbs, but suppose even though it went on it came back off
Brilliant loss Anna - you are totally powering ahead in this weight loss lark.
Glad your course went well.
On the bedding plants front, if you are just putting them straight into the garden, then I would wait till mid to end May - I usually get my baskets out for the late bank holiday in May. There is still frost risk till about mid may often and as fuzzy says, one snap and they are all gonners....
I potted up my little plug plants today - 115 petunias, 30 trailing geraniums and 100 normal geraniums. Still got surfinias to arrive...blimey, I will need about 100 baskets at this rate.

... I went up to garden centre and did end up buying a hanging basket, some lobelia and petunia's...Have potted them all out, so fingers crossed!!...Wish I'd have read your post before we went lol
Are Surfina's trailing petunia's?...Im a huge lover of petunias and lobelia
Left one of my pots as it has loads of lillies growing in it...Well like a lily bushy type thing - My neighbour gave me some bulbs years ago and they pop up everywhere now!!
Ive also got one of them cauliflower plants (is it an ice plant of something?) grwoing in a pot...I have never put a cutting in ther and only have one other of those plants and it's down the end of the garden..maybe the wind blew a seed over??
WOW 6 Ibs is fanbloomingtastico! Congratulations Anna xx
Thanks xx
congrats on the 6lbs btw
Thank you, xx
Hi Anna, you've done excellent with your loss this week, I'm sooo jealous. I'm not loosing any at the moment so really p****d off. I'm getting my green fingers again at the moment. Been to garden centre again today and come back with more plants!! Get them out the boot and put them by the side gate to sneak them in . Hubby keeps going mad how many i'm bringing back:copon: I've got some cherry tomato seeds and runner bean seeds that i'm going to plant and put in conservatory to grow. Then going to put cherry tomatoes into hanging baskets and put them in the back garden. The runner beans i'm putting in a massive pot in the back garden. Have got room to put in garden but prefer flowers and they look really nice in a big pot. Have you got a busy week this week? x
I'd love to have a go at some veg growing, keep looking at the makeshift greenhouses in argos and wondering if they would do the job?...Mind you Callum brought a tomato plant home from school last year and I put it in a pot in the garden - it went mad and we had loads of cherry toms from it, they taste so good

He also planted a single pumkin seed and we got two orange sized pumkins, he was so proud bless him!
Hi all - Thanks so much for all your visits, it really cheered me up...When I looked back on my diary I do get lots of people popping in - was just feeling sorry for myself yesterday I guess
Anyway, went for a yummy hungry horse yesterday, but pointed it in...And did have a lovely big stroll round the carboot!...Didn't find any wow bargains, but Callum managed to pick up a few "omg I need that" toys lol
Went to nursery and picked up some plants, so potted them all in yesterday afternoon

Fingers crossed for no sign of jack frost now!
Today I took mum shopping in town, had a nice mosey round the charity shops, and arranged for my favorite charity shop to have my wedding dress...She steamed it for me just before the wedding, so would love to give something will feel nice to see it in the window
Speaking of weddings....I laced my dress up and put it on yesterday and it's huge on me!!!....I must have lost weight between the wedding and starting WW so that with nearly 2 and a half more off has made it to big

...Was a lovely feeling...The corset lacing bit now does up and overlaps

...made me happy
Family stresses not to bad atm...My mum is a heavy drinker and finally took steps to get better last week and went to the doctors...he has put her on some detox tablets and all seems to be going well - but a bit frightened to speak to soon...It seems to good to be true after 5-6 years of her drinking

Fingers crossed - again!- that this will be the time.:sigh:
Anyway hairdresser will be here for Damo and Callum in a minute so better get the tub of gel washed off Callums hair lol!!
Hope everyone is good xx