Becky! What a lovely and positive idea

I'm the same as you, the fact I will have to start again keeps me focused. Even when I have eaten, I've steered clear of carbs, ketosis is my constant focus before anything else
It's great thar you're already noticing health benefits, what better fact to push you along.
1. My blood sugar is stable which helps with my hypoglycaemia. No more feeling miserable, weak or dizzy if I haven't eaten for a while. No more feeling like a prisoner to food.
2. Exactly 1 month today until Ibiza, then a family wedding, then a camb uni June fair meal event thing., you want to look good don't you biz!
3. Ketosis - if I cheat with carbs I go back to the he's hatchet miser first few days and have to suffer all over again.
4. Back at uni in September. How good will it feel to not be overweight in the *****y fashion waif looking environment! I'm proud of my curves and I don't want to be stick thin like a lot of them are, but I think I've got a bit toooooo curvy.
5. Going home and everyone noticing. Been in London so long and only get to see my best mates and family every few months, going home and everyone will comment on the loss.
6. End to yoyoing. been doing this for years, this can finally be the end!
Think that's it for now - ah that's a good start to my Sunday
Thanks Becky!! Xx