Red Day Any great loss?

Thank you very much @Mini Im so happy, I havent been in this stone bracket for years and im so close to the next one, im like a child in a candy store, Im squealing, so bad right?! lol it was just the boost I needed knowing I can still pull in a big loss since a month of 2.5lb and 2lbs which are good losses but having a high one like that, certain ignites the fire again
" I think the problem with EE is they say fill up on Rice, Potatoes and Pasta and so that is exactly what I did."

This was exactly what Ive struggled with on SW. As a veggie i was always just "told" to do green and I always gained weight.

Ive just restarted and I am actually trying to do more red type days but not sure of the actual plan/food list for it so doing EE but leaving out pasta, rice and potatoes. Anyone have food lists/rules/guidance for proper red days? x

Unfortunately you cannot send private messages on here any more, which is such a shame. I have all the details of the Red plan but slimming world prevents us from sharing this information on this site. However, unless removed by admin I would suggest looking on Facebook, there are a couple of sites dedicated to Green and Red days and they have the plan in full in PDF format. You just need to subscribe to the site and Bob's your uncle!