Gold Member
The 1.5 I lost last week has found me again this week! sooooo annoyed! I did have a few drinks at the weekend but I do that most weekends.... Whats everyones view on exercising and slimming world, last week I went to the gym on mon and tues and swam on weds and thurs. This week I have done gym twice and swim once.... I do take measurements and I have lost 4.5 inches overall in a week but scales said I gained 1.5lb Its got me down a little bit tonight. (4.5 does sound alot but its from both arms, chest, waist, hips, both thighs and calf)
Hi Jeni, this is my take on exercise... There are as many different types of exercise regimes as there are diets. I suppose they all work in a fashion if you stick to them. But the exercises that you do might well develop muscle over a period of time if you are working anaerobic and very hard in short bursts or you might use a different energy system if you work aerobics for long slower periods. What gym work are you doing? Toning, weights or resistance work, (anaerobic)? Swimming, sprints ( anaerobic) or an hour slower continuos laps ( aerobic)? It sounds like a great combination, losing inches and gaining a couple of pounds sounds like a good trade. Stick with it and see what the results are like after 3 months.
I don't do any gym work anymore, I run when I take one of my kids to their swim club training 2 or 3 times a week, and cycle with a club (45-80 miles). I hit my target weight prior to this in April and have since dropped another half stone. The cycling really uses up a lot if energy. I didn't have those results with just the running.
Although I'm no expert, I have read up and looked into this sort with a lot of interest.m I have 3 very sporty kids, 2 compete at national and regional levels ( rugby and tetrathlon) and have done my share of taking part in a number of sports to a high level and coached. Just keep doing what you are doing, it obviously fits in and you can see visible, measured results.