Welcome nats and Lorraine, ask if you need help. I'm squadron leader major bumkicker pebbles prepare yourself for a tough initiation. Rules this week include 5 a day fruit and veg, 5 glasses water or squash at least , 3 days exercise mon Thursday sat.
Well done smurfy you're doing fab, I didn't manage exercise either today as working all day and couldn't get out to do my walk cos didn't want to leave kids in alone. Been 4 burglaries around here recently and I'm a bit scitty about it.
Will do tomoro tho.
Food wise I have to admit to breaking rules today as other half offered a harvester chicken salad for lunch so I thought it rude not to, it meant the salad had pasta, sweetcorn and potato so I had to swap my day to green then had spitroast chicken salad and jacket. Still in plan but a swap - sorry see even I have to break rules now and then.
Tracy that's brilliant news about the weight I'm so pleased for you, glad you like the menus, please tell me if there's anything you want included for next week.
Girls let me know if there's anything you buy and want incorporated into the list.
3 days til weigh in, so heads down :
Stick to plan Dont cheat
Write down everything you eat
Walk past the cake
Eat what you make
You be the boss
And you'll see a loss