That's funny! We had the tree in a playpen for a couple of years to stop wee ones climbing it. It was an interesting look....Thank youNo they are fakes to try and stop the baby getting the wires for the lights. She likes to chew wires and get tangled in them! Neither very safe! Lol
I had sausage and chips. So bad! It'd like I'm self destruct this week. Lol Did just do the shred out of guilt though.
I love potatoes and gravy! Yummy!
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That big Santa is obviously sitting in your hall - no don't tell me different I won't believe itSounds yummy! Still don't know what I'm havin for dinner! I've got some beef out there think il have stir fry!
Yeh my mam makes us jumpers every yearsome ppl think we r mad but I say bah humbug to that lol
View attachment 22785
That's brilliant! There haven't been too many losing this week! Well done!It's a miracle but I lost 1/2lb!!!!!!! Yeyyyy!!!! 13lbs off target, woop!!!!!!Xxxxxx
Sparkle1978 said:By some miracle I have stayed the same this week! Very happy with that!
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Well ladies my weight loss is over for now. Just found out I'm expecting baby number 4I am going to try not to put on 3 stone again this time though! Lol x
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Well ladies my weight loss is over for now. Just found out I'm expecting baby number 4I am going to try not to put on 3 stone again this time though! Lol x
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