anyone in the 13stones wanting to get into the 12stones??

Hot cross bun tastes like one but in bar form, it's got orange and lemon peel in it and you can taste that and a hint of raisin - seriously worth ordering one to try next time you do an order - I wish I'd bought more ;)

Off to work now, hope you both have a good day xx

ps scales fairies have left me an extra 1/2lb today, hmph little madams :) xx
Argh weighed in at 13st 2lb this morning and I've already updated stats, ticker, signature to show that I'm at last over the halfway mark to my goal - am sooooooo happy :D

Keep at it ladies, we'll soon be moving into the next group :) xx
Katie you are truly awesome. You are absolutely flying. I am so happy for you.
My scales aren't moving much. Just done another 2 hours at the gym and expecting muscle to be building. I know I can't do all this training on 600 calories so I've had a 2 egg and mushroom omelette. Only adding a little something when I have been to the gym. Hope it doesn't do too much damage on the scales but know its healthier this way.
My weigh in tomorrow so fingers crossed. On the plus side I've lost a massive 10 inches off my waist! People have been giving me lots of compliments this week so feeling pretty positive :).
Keep on going. I'm trying to catch up lol xx
Hey Katie that is fantastic! You'll be in the12's in no time!!! Hopefully follow you there soon after :)
Roxi...I don't think I would last 30 mins in the gym! Well done you!!
Looking forward to getting this week out of the way. Will weigh in on 13th.....not expecting a huge loss as totm but will be happy if I lose around 4-5lbs xx fingers crossed xx
Awe thanks Bride. I will be keeping my fingers crossed for, you will probably have lost more than that though :) xx
Well, 2lb loss this week. At first I was a little disappointed but then I thought 2lb is 2lb more towards my goal and with all the exercise at least I haven't put on. And for the first time in my life I managed to run 1.5 miles (running for a minute and a half and walking for a minute). Its the most I've ever done and my legs feel really solid at the minute as this is on top of my normal workout. Don't think this is a good thing but thinking about the bigger picture.
How's everyone doing this weekend? xx
That's fabulous Roxi, look at all those achievements and hurray you're over your halfway mark too - excellent :D xx
Thanks Katie. You keep me going :) I just wish I could catch up to you. Never mind, only another 5lb to hit 4 stone. I really want that milestone xx
You'll soon catch me up, don't forget I'm off plan for two days from 5th June and for two weeks from 22nd June so you'll be well overtaking me then :)

Been for a walk with TH (trying hard on minimins) today - we did 11 miles and the last couple of miles was the big uphill bit, strangely I really enjoyed it - we had a discussion about me doing it at my heaviest and there would have been no way at all ---- much happier with where I am now....though I'll be even happier when I've had a pack and I'm soaking in the bath :)

Keep going, you're doing brill xx
That's a fantastic walk. I would be worried about needing the loo lol!
I have off plan time booked too. 23rd may and possibly 7th and 8th June. I will be having a break beginning of august as I doubt I will be at my target by then and need to be in a bikini by the end of sept for my holiday in Egypt. Oooooooooh can't wait. It seems to not be very far away now.
Have a great Monday :) xx
PS I think I have developed a fixation for maple pancakes. Definitely getting a box of 50 of those bad boys LOL
That's a fantastic walk. I would be worried about needing the loo lol!
I have off plan time booked too. 23rd may and possibly 7th and 8th June. I will be having a break beginning of august as I doubt I will be at my target by then and need to be in a bikini by the end of sept for my holiday in Egypt. Oooooooooh can't wait. It seems to not be very far away now.
Have a great Monday :) xx
PS I think I have developed a fixation for maple pancakes. Definitely getting a box of 50 of those bad boys LOL

I forgot another weekend of 6th September, TH and I have agreed that date to reward ourselves, plan is that we are going out to eat on the Saturday afternoon (see food pic attached), the place is about ten miles away - if she's in the 9's and I'm in the 10's we can drive there....otherwise we have to walk there and as she horribly told me yesterday, walk back :eek:

You'll look fab in your bikini on holiday and just think how proud of yourself you will be :D

I've not tried the pancakes, will buy some next time.

I was 13st 1lb this morning so am close to shifting down a group but don't worry I'll be staying in here with you too - can't get rid of me that easily lol.

Went for my gym assessment at 5pm, she was very happy with me - everything has improved! Tried to do the cardio machines but my legs couldn't take it so I just did all the weight machines and ran!

Stay strong xx
Forgot the pic! How could I!!


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OMG Katie 13st 1lb!!!! :clap:Your are probably there this morning or very very close! Totes amazing! I am so thrilled for you ... and so jealous LOL
That food looks awesome. Now that would be worth the walk anyway teehee.
My scales are stuck again :(. Seriously thinking about ditching the running but enjoying it and making a little bit of progress. Its just so frustrating that the scales have really not shown much loss at all since I started the extra exercise. Maybe I should just not have the extra calories and keep up the exercise and see how I go. If I feel ill I can always scoff a little bit extra.
Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease don't leave me, I promise I will be good LOL. Maybe we should invent our own group for the 'more than half wayers' or 'nearly there's' mwahahahahaha.
I will never catch you now but I will be trying my best to keep up the losses.
Have a great day,
Bride ...... where are you and how are you getting on?
:D xx
Well I'm not getting there, in fact the scales went back up to 1.5lb again today, at this rate I'll still be in the 13's next week :rolleyes:

I wouldn't ditch the running as the exercise will tone you up, your legs will be looking great - just be careful with any extras you do eat......the scales will soon go down :)

How's it going for you Bride? x
Hi sorry.....had a hectic couple of days at work!!! Stayed TS and lost 7.5 lbs!!! Really happy :-D

Well done on your loss Roxi, thats great considering you are exercising so much!!

Katie you are doing so well!! Everyones weight fluctuates....mine has been stuck on 4lbs for 4 days xx
Well done Bride, glad you're still staying strong, that's a fabulous loss :D

Those 12's will soon be yours xx
Wowsers Bride keep on going! :)
Katie you are awesome and will probably lose 3lb tomorrow ...... C'mon you 12's. It's amazing to think we will all be there in a relatively short time. (some quicker than others .... Katie ... Lol)
Although the scales aren't moving much for me I think I must be changing shape as I've had lots of lovely comments in the last couple of days. It feels great.
I'm even thinking of buying size 14 skinny jeans as my next goal as my 16's are comfortable now. They could have stretched in the wash like :-0.
I've got a pair of Next size 14 jeans, not skinny, and I tried them on the other day, they came up and touched together, I think I could have fastened them but they'd have been tight and I didn't want to stretch them :)
Yaaaay thats so brilliant. I'm definitely still in 16's from next. Check you out skinny Minnie haha xx