anyone in the 13stones wanting to get into the 12stones??

Done an eleven mile walk today, it was great fun but a bloody hard slog - a lot of it was over fields, stiles and slopes and a horrendous couple of miles at the end at the edge of a river with all uneven ground - definitely feel better for doing it though :)
Hi Roxi, out of curiosity are you doing the add a meal week? I personally found that the last time I did this properly and lost weight that did help me. It was hard but it was a matter of making the right choices. I had chicken and a little bit of veg or omelette. I did not do it every 4 weeks as suggested it was closer to 6 but I think it helped.
You seem like you have more will power than me so l'm sure you will eat the right things! With the amount of exercise you are doing you are probably burning off more than your having!
Done an eleven mile walk today, it was great fun but a bloody hard slog - a lot of it was over fields, stiles and slopes and a horrendous couple of miles at the end at the edge of a river with all uneven ground - definitely feel better for doing it though :)

Wow!! Well done!!
Hi guys. Forgive me for I have sinned :-(
As you probably guessed I've had a break this weekend (again!). I think I was just in a rut, feeling down and sorry for myself as I felt I was trying really hard and on reflection possibly too hard. I think the exercise I was doing was probably too intense for this diet so I'm changing things from tomorrow. I'm going to stick to TS and change my exercise regime to a couple of shorter/gentler trips to the gym a week and a hell of a lot more walking as this seems to be working really well for you Katie. Can I ask how long your 11 mile walks take to do?
With all this lovely weather who wants to be stuck in a gym for 8 hours a week lol.
Anyhoo, hope you've all had a great weekend.
I'm going to be a lot more positive this week and walk my way out of this rut :) xx
Hi guys. Forgive me for I have sinned :-(
As you probably guessed I've had a break this weekend (again!). I think I was just in a rut, feeling down and sorry for myself as I felt I was trying really hard and on reflection possibly too hard. I think the exercise I was doing was probably too intense for this diet so I'm changing things from tomorrow. I'm going to stick to TS and change my exercise regime to a couple of shorter/gentler trips to the gym a week and a hell of a lot more walking as this seems to be working really well for you Katie. Can I ask how long your 11 mile walks take to do?
With all this lovely weather who wants to be stuck in a gym for 8 hours a week lol.
Anyhoo, hope you've all had a great weekend.
I'm going to be a lot more positive this week and walk my way out of this rut :) xx

Lol I thought the replies to your post might have come to late :)

The 11 mile walk yesterday took about 4 1/4 hours and a six mile one I'm doing should take about 2.5 hours. Depends how hard the walk is really - when I do my three mile dog wak it takes an hour and that's part down hill but mainly uphill -- I do try and vary it as otherwise your body gets used to the walk. Give it a go - I can definitely see and feel a difference in my thighs, they've slimmed down and toned up more than the rest of me.

Back to it tomorrow mrs :) x
Ladies where are yooouuuu? xx
Hi everyone. I'm a bit quiet following my naughtiness :) back on it but going to stay off the scales til the end of the month I think. I will see how it goes. Are you all ok? X
Back later on today with weigh in details xx

Look forward to seeing how you've done, I'd gained a pound compared to yesterday and was 12st 12lb today :)
Hi everyone. I'm a bit quiet following my naughtiness :) back on it but going to stay off the scales til the end of the month I think. I will see how it goes. Are you all ok? X

Ahhh quietness is not allowed even after naughtiness lol, get back on here and stay supported xx
Hi. Not a great loss this week....just 1lb :'(

But I will persevere and aim to eat/drink all packs and water quota!!
This week - so far so good!!!
Two packs of horrid fatty butter gone! Well done :) xx
That's a good loss Bride!

I'm rambling away on my diary so I don't clog up this thread! Lol.
Well done Bride. Keep on going :)
Eeeeeeee Katie 12.12, you are awesome and a great inspiration to us all. You are doing sooooo well. I've had a bar for breakfast, shepherds pie late afternoon and just about to make maple pancakes and Waldens syrup (my new addiction). I'm a long way from done here LOL xx
Good girl Roxi, you keep at it!

Sheridan post in here as much as you want to, that's what it's here for x
I definitely will then! :)
Ooops sorry bride. Hope everyone's ok. I think I find it a teeny weeny bit easier in the warm weather. Much easier to drink water. Xx