anyone in the 13stones wanting to get into the 12stones??

Hey Roxi, you should definitely buy some. My 16 jeans are just a little snug but trousers are already feeling loose around the waist.....just need it to go from my bum and thunder thighs lol ;-) I have a wardrobe of 14's.....Most of which have never been worn!! Hopefully another stone loss should do it xx

Have a great day xx
I've got a pair of Next size 14 jeans, not skinny, and I tried them on the other day, they came up and touched together, I think I could have fastened them but they'd have been tight and I didn't want to stretch them :)

I have the same except mine don't go past my bum lol :-(

You'll be in them in no time xx

Have a fab day xx
Teehee. Deffo need some smaller gym clothes. Leggings where falling down today!!! Could have been very embarrassing ?. Hope your both having a great day xx
Teehee. Deffo need some smaller gym clothes. Leggings where falling down today!!! Could have been very embarrassing ?. Hope your both having a great day xx

:D obviously that shouldn't have made me laugh but it did!

Today the blasted scales had me at 13st 0.25lb :rolleyes: Seriously I'd kick them if I thought it would help but knowing my luck they'd probably go up :)

Been a gorgeous day today, I wore a bright orange dress to work which if I'm being honest I never would have done at 17 and a half stone - can't hide in orange.

Am meant to be going to the gym with hubby this evening but to be honest I'm knackered, going to see how he feels when he comes in and then decide.

Keep at it ladies, TS is your friend :) xx
OMG Katie how annoying! I would have been in every room in the house with those scales and pee'ing for England then back on them!!! You will be there in the morning yaaaaaay. Can you remember when being in the 12's felt like a huge mountain away!?
Good on you for being in your bright colours in this lovely weather. Don't you look at clothes in a totally different way now. Can't wait to update my black/grey/navy wardrobe this summer ?
Have you tried any flavoured coffees? Am thinking if trying the hazelnut one xx
No I've not tried the coffees, might get some when I next order.

Yep you've got to add some colour, especially coming into summer :D x
Hurray the scales have been kind 12st 12.75lb - can't believe they actually moved ---- off to open the other post but I'll still be in here with you xx
Wowsers skinny Minnie I am so thrilled for you. This news has made my day and inspired me to battle on. I still can't imagine being in the 12's. Hopefully won't be very far behind you.
Bet you're walking on air today. Totally awesome ???xx
Cheers honey I've smiled all bloody day :D You know that you won't be far behind me, you'll prob fly through the lower pounds - I'll be screaming for you to from the sidelines :) xx
Just you and me now Roxi!! You will definitely get there before me. My scales have been stuck since Tuesday :-( feeling really bloated and absolutely knackered!! Think its a combination of exante, hectic work, time of the month AND lack of sleep.....and weather....feeling like a zombie!!!

Although I have been doing TS I have not had enough packs and definitely not enough water. I've been skipping breakfast and then just having a shake late afternoon. By the time I've got home and taken the dog its 7.30-8.00! Then too tired to do anything! I think my body's storing anything and everything.

TODAY will be different. I'm going to have a shake before I leave at 7.30 and set a timer to have lunch at 1.30-2.00. I need to see those pounds dropping! !

Good luck good xx
Hi Bride. Sorry to hear you've been feeling yuk. Hope your better today. I struggle with the water but trying to make more of an effort.
My scales are totally stuck! Been so good too so I have vowed to stick with it as they have to move soon. Think it's this exercise malarkey as my legs feel heavy but my waist etc has definitely changed. Bought a pair size 14 jeans as my 'get into' next step. Could get them done up (after about 10 mins and a very red face) not a pretty sight but got them on mwahahahahaha :)
Let me know how your getting on xx
Hi guys! I'm joining you in the 13s!

13st11.5lb as of this morning! Expecting to be here at least a few weeks but looking forward to the 12s!
Hi Sheridan. Welcome and congratulations.
I've been here a while and stuck at 13st 5lb so god only knows how much longer I will be here lol. Wouldn't care but I've probably been stricter than I ever have but no movement! Guess we are all going to have times like this though. Onwards and downwards eh :) xx
Hi Sheridan good to see you in here, I'm hanging around for a while and the 12's group is empty :(

Roxi that sticking will soon move and you'll be flying again :)

Bride please do have all your packs as otherwise your body will hold on to the little bit it's getting, plus you will be tired as you're not taking in enough energy. Hope you're feeling brighter today x

Onwards and downwards ladies :D xxx
Oh hi Katie. Am so pleased your keeping an eye on us.
Ice cream maker came today. Made a choc shake into ice cream and had some with maple pancakes and Waldens syrup. Felt very naughty but absolutely within my allowance.
Been talked in to going to a leaving do from work next Saturday night (31st) so think I will pop into the restaurant beforehand to make sure they can do steak and salad. I'm sure they will. Then next Friday (23rd) I have an off plan day. Oh and may be away for the weekend 7th and 8th June. Hang on a minute..... That's the next 3 weekends! Dear lord ..... Will I ever get to the 12's :-( xx
Oh hi Katie. Am so pleased your keeping an eye on us.
Ice cream maker came today. Made a choc shake into ice cream and had some with maple pancakes and Waldens syrup. Felt very naughty but absolutely within my allowance.
Been talked in to going to a leaving do from work next Saturday night (31st) so think I will pop into the restaurant beforehand to make sure they can do steak and salad. I'm sure they will. Then next Friday (23rd) I have an off plan day. Oh and may be away for the weekend 7th and 8th June. Hang on a minute..... That's the next 3 weekends! Dear lord ..... Will I ever get to the 12's :-( xx

Ooh very clever using the ice cream maker, sounds good :)

Steak and salad shouldn't cause a problem at all - got to say I'm jealous of three weekends off though :D

I'm off for another long walk tomorrow so am looking forward to that - TH has coerced me into doing the Santa Dash in December, it's a 5k run around Liverpool where you dress as Santa - so also have to start training for that.....leaving starting that for another stone or so though!

All be good.....Katie's watching :eek: xx
Thanks for the advice both. Started with good intentions but ended up with 1 litre of water and 2 packs. Hay fever is pretty bad so look and feel awful. I have been walking to and from work so 45 mins added to exercise plus 30-45 mins walk with the dog!

Having shake now then one at 3pm when I finish work. I am going to persevere and get to goal this time!

Roxi you do make me laugh....its usually me red faced trying to get clothes to fit! Pancakes and ice cream sounds amazing!!

Welcome Sheridan, well done on your loss this week! Fantastic xx

Thanks for sticking with us Katie. You are definitely motivating all of us. Cant wait to join you in the 12's club!!!

Have a good day all xxx
Hey Bride how's it going?
Sounds like you are doing lots of exercise so you really should have at least your 3 packs. Please try as that may be making you feel yuk.
As you all know I have been struggling to get the scales moving for a couple of weeks. Probably exercising more and eating less so I'm kind of stumped as to how the scales are stuck. Anyhoo, there's been some interesting chat on Facebook today about having a couple if days break to boost your loss after doing this for a while. Apart from a couple of blips I have been doing this since mid jan. it seems to have worked for quite a few people. Any thoughts?
I don't know if I am seeking approval or wanting to be talked out of it but I really am sticking to it and not losing. Maybe a little break would help me boost the loss? Strange thing is I have the willpower at the moment ..... But could always murder a takeaway lol xx
Going to be honest here for your own good lol - looking at your losses by the week it's only been just over two weeks since you last had a break (but we're not talking about it :)) and you didn't lose a huge amount the first week back eg 7lb +so you can see that you don't always get a big loss plus your body really hasn't been going without for that long.

If I were you I wouldn't do it but I can understand if you want to give it a try - I just don't want you to put weight on and then only have small loss xx

However I'm posting this six hours after you posted so may be to late :D xx