jelly bean 639
Full Member
Thanks Guys for your encouragements. sorry i haven't been on much... busy week.
I know 1lb isn't much and and there are many reasons why i put on and not off. I just get so frustrated when i hear people in group talk about how they have had fish n chips, pizza etc and still manage to lose week after week sometime 4lb and here is me sticking to it like glue i put on... crazy. i have been craving junk food ie fish n chips cake , chocolate but been scared still to have it because i am so desperate to loose this other person im carrying around with me
was my Birthday yesterday and I didnt have birthday cake yesterday because i dont want to cry on weds when i get weighed.
What i really want is a magic wand to make me slim or even just over weight... oh to be over weight
I know 1lb isn't much and and there are many reasons why i put on and not off. I just get so frustrated when i hear people in group talk about how they have had fish n chips, pizza etc and still manage to lose week after week sometime 4lb and here is me sticking to it like glue i put on... crazy. i have been craving junk food ie fish n chips cake , chocolate but been scared still to have it because i am so desperate to loose this other person im carrying around with me
What i really want is a magic wand to make me slim or even just over weight... oh to be over weight