Anyone in the 21 stone ?!

Iambe said:
Hi all

I've just hit the 21s. 21 st 13 lb as of this morning. Hope you're all good, be nice to have some company on this stretch.

I'm really impressed with how everyone is doing. Big hugs and hope to chat with you all at some point.


Well done-I was hoping for the same this Thursday, but it's not looking likely now as its * week next week and feeling really bloaty-especially as its hot and having to drink twice as much :( hopefully next week eh x
Big hugs tigger. You'll get there, just think how scrummy you'll feel next week when the bloaty rubbishness subsides. You'll do fantastically this week!
I am still here thank goodness. I thought I would have to go back to the 22 room. I have a weight that I seam to get to and thats it Its so difficult to get under that. Hoping for a good loss this week though xxx
Good luck for this week Mrs EH. Fingers crossed we'll all move through 21s with flair!
2lbs off this week! nearly out of here!!:D
Well done sweetie! Everything moving in the right direction!!!

Wooot! 4 lb loss this week! Slightly early weigh this week because I'm off to Norwich in 10 minutes but it feels really good. Hoping for a similar loss next week. Good luck this week guys. Supportive love and hugs!

well done!
Fanx lovely...all moving in the right direction!
Hiyas all can i please come and join you im slowly getting my s/w mojo back after 3 months of yoyoing since xmas ive now had 2 honky 100% days some amazing inspirational losses here well done all xx
Definitely hon, come and join us chickadee. Us ladyfaces need to stick together ;)

Well done on your last couple of days treasure, glad you're getting your mojo back hon xxx

2lbs off for me this week!:D and that's me moving down to the 20 stone room!bye!
Super congrats chatterbox. Well done for getting down there! Hopefully see u there soon babes ;-)

Kirstles x
Hi lovelies - I am sorry to say I am back; not sorry to be joining you ladies but sorry I'm out of the 20 stones room :cry:. Been a bad few weeks. Hopefully we'll inspire each other to get down into the 20s room ASAP :bighug: to you all xxx
Awww huggages sweetheart. You won't be here for long. Be a wonderful inspiration to get back in the room won't it hon.

Speak to you soon.

Hi gorgeousnesses

Just weighed in. I've got a 2lb loss this week. I'm an ickle bit miffed because I should have been on target for 3lb loss but I had a wobble on Sunday and ate half a pack of digestive biscuits...Eeejit. But still it is a loss and I am glad for that. Everything is moving in the right direction at least!

21st 7lb...7lbs to go until I leave this luscious little room LOL

Speak soon.

:woohoo: Kirstles that is fab! Well done hunnie! I was 21:8 yesterday after having got down to 20:13. Think I'm back on the wagon now (touch wood)! We can do this together :bighug: xxx
Just looking at your stats, think I might change my goal weight to an interim one. 11 stones seems sooooo far away xxx
Good plan matey. My overall plan is to get down to 11 stone too but little goals, one at a time. I'm taking it a couple stone at a time. Plus it'll give me an awesome excuse to do something really nice for myself. I'm thinking trip to London where I can sit in theatre seats and feel a bit more secure that my fat folds overfloweth the chair LOL!

We'll defo get there honey. I'm having a bit of a wobbly week to be honest, not feeling deprived or anything but there's a desire to go and do bad things. I'm not doing them...Yet! You guys are fantastic for taking my mind off the badness! So yay you lot!
